Have you ever lost a customer or hostess because you didn't follow through? I'm sure you have. I know I lost many over the years because I just got too busy to follow up. I believe it happens to everyone and if you are honest with yourself you will admit that it probably has happened to you.
Today, someone almost lost me as a customer for their services. In fact, they don't have me yet and now they will have to prove to me why I should do business with them. The story began about 2 weeks ago when I decided it was time to review all of our insurance policies and make sure we are adequately insured at the best price. My brother-in-law just switched all of his policies over to a new agency and he saved $1,800 per year. I thought, WOW, I'm going to check them out so I got the name and number of the agent and made a call the same day. The agent was not in but did return my call the next day. I was traveling and the call went to the home answering machine and 3 days later, when I returned I listened to the message late on a Sunday evening. Ten days came and went after I listened to the message and I was so busy I never remembered to return the call. During this ten days the agent never tried calling me again which was not smart as I had made the initial contact in the first place so she knew I was looking to compare.
Today, someone almost lost me as a customer for their services. In fact, they don't have me yet and now they will have to prove to me why I should do business with them. The story began about 2 weeks ago when I decided it was time to review all of our insurance policies and make sure we are adequately insured at the best price. My brother-in-law just switched all of his policies over to a new agency and he saved $1,800 per year. I thought, WOW, I'm going to check them out so I got the name and number of the agent and made a call the same day. The agent was not in but did return my call the next day. I was traveling and the call went to the home answering machine and 3 days later, when I returned I listened to the message late on a Sunday evening. Ten days came and went after I listened to the message and I was so busy I never remembered to return the call. During this ten days the agent never tried calling me again which was not smart as I had made the initial contact in the first place so she knew I was looking to compare.
I just had to pay my auto-insurance and I realized I had not heard from the agent so I called her back. I said, "Hi, this is Karen Phelps." She replied, "Karen, I never heard back from you so I figured we wouldn't be doing business." YIKES!! I replied, "I'm very busy and I travel a lot, you should have called me back again." I think she was taken aback for a few minutes but I hope she took time to realize the importance of my statement. When someone tells you they are interested, ASSUME they are interested until they tell you differently.
Are you thinking, but isn't that being pushy? Absolutely not! When someone gives you permission to call them to order or book a party later, assume they are interested until they tell you NO! The insurance deal this agent could pull off is worth thousands of dollars of which she will receive a commission. Why would she even think of not calling me back in a day or two if she didn't hear back from me? So what can you do to get and keep more customers and hostesses of your own? Here are a few suggestions:
1. Find out what your customer is interested in. I love working with a salesperson who takes time to ask me questions before they try to make the sale. Have you ever gone to purchase an appliance and the salesperson tries to push their favorite item on you and it may not be what you are looking for? It's hard to have one style, one brand, or one product be a perfect fit for everyone. The main reason people don't make another sale or get a booking is because they have not discovered why the prospect might be interested. You can't sell someone something they don't want or feel they don't need. You must discover the reason they need or want your product. Then you will be able to recommend products or services to fill the customers needs.
2. Remind the customer you are always looking out for their best interest and that you will keep them informed of sales, special offers and information that may be of interest to them. You can say something like, "I'll send you emails when there are specials and call when something exciting is going on. There's no obligation and you can remove yourself from my preferred customer list at any time." People are more likely to allow you to stay in touch if there is no obligation. That's one of the reasons I love the "Maybe Later List" which is in the "It's a Party Out There Workbook." It's easy to make calls to people who have given you permission to contact them.
3. Always ask for permission to contact them and keep them informed. You may be reading this right now because on this website I asked if you would like to receive direct selling success newsletters and you entered your name and email address to receive the subscription. Are you doing the same with everyone you meet? Are you asking for permission to share information of interest once a month? Do you have a system in place to keep track of your leads so you can email a monthly newsletter with suggestions on how to use your product to improve their looks, health, home, life, etc?
4. BE PROMPT! If you set an appointment or a time to call, make sure you arrive or call at the appropriate time. Your professionalism will shine through when you are prompt. Most people (me included) prefer to do business with professionals and professionals are not late!
5. Ask yourself, "how would I want to be treated?" then do the same thing for your customers. I love good customer service but I don't want someone who is too pushy. I've walked out of car dealers when I went looking for a new vehicle and the salesman refused to address me. I've left a furniture store when the salesman huffed under his breath because I didn't make a decision right away. I love someone who is assertive and attentive to my needs but not someone who is aggressive.
6. Know your stuff! I love working with someone who has done their homework and knows their products and services. So, whether you are a new consultant or you've been in the business for awhile you need to know, understand and be able to explain why your product or services are different or better than the rest. Why should someone buy your product? Why should someone book a party with you? What is the benefit to them for being a hostess? How can someone benefit by becoming a consultant? You must know the answer to the questions before they are asked. So, if you are new and you haven't taken time to read through the materials your company has available for you it's time to do so.
7. Under promise and over deliver. Make sure you can deliver what you promise. If you tell a customer something will arrive in 2 weeks and it comes a few days late it doesn't look good. If you tell a customer her order will arrive in 3 weeks and it arrives a week early you and your company will shine! Don't make promises you can't keep and always keep the promises you make. People love to do business with competent, able and willing consultants. Your Hostesses love it when their order arrives on time (or better yet, earlier than anticipated.)
As a rule of thumb if you always put the customer first you really can't go wrong. Sure, every now and again you'll get someone you can't please no matter how hard you try. Hey, that's life and you'll have to learn to roll with the punches. Being a great sales person is easy. Having a large database of loyal customers and hostesses is easy too! Become the type of person you want to do business with and you will always have people who will do business with you.
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