Wednesday, November 11, 2009

October Recognition '09

... finally!!! Sorry this one took me so long to post! I know you've been waiting to see :o) Let's begin!

First of all I'd like to welcome new demonstrators. Rebecca Brasfield (WY) was sponsored by Mary Reynolds (AZ). Ann Marie Gibney (NY) was sponsored by Ronda Strauss (NY). LaToya Holmes (AZ) was sponsored by Mary Fulk (AZ). Diann Panozzo (VA) was sponsored by Melanie Davis (AZ). Seneca Richardson (AZ) sponsored by yours truly and already in November we have Tammy Richey (AZ) sponsored by Megan Moreno (AZ). We're excited to see you grow in your businesses! I am happy to say that this brought us up to 63 demonstrators - my lifetime high :o) Thank you all for spreading the word about this great opportunity.

WOW!!! I keep rechecking this report and it is true - there is no typo when I say our top seller for October is Ronda Strauss, Senior Demonstrator, NY with $4,044.03 !!! All of that is party and personal website sales. I am so impressed! What an awesome month for you. GREAT JOB!!! Another STAR SELLER in October was Megan Moreno, AZ with $1,160. In addition, both of these amazing ladies signed up new demonstrators. I am very pleased with your excitement about candles!!! Ann Mare Gibney, a new demonstrator from NY, was also at the top of this list of strong performers. Ann sold $833! Not too shabby for her first month - she qualified for earning her kit free and the first Quick Start Level - AWESOME!!! Heather Uhland, AZ sold $767... Kathy Ashton, WA sold $765... Nancy Simpson, GU $671... Zoe Mitchell, AZ $637... Melanie Davis, AZ $624... Sandra Hessert AZ $607... Kelly Montana, AZ $530. Our other active sellers for October were Elizabeth Campbell, Deanna Rust, Jennifer Arellano, Mary Fulk, Raquel Thompson-White, Christina Guido, Madalene Nieblas, Lisa Thorpe, Lola Sanders, Kathy Kuwick, Angela Palmer, Ginger Good, Heather Mendoza, and Shaunda Jacobs. Altogether our team sales totalled $13,668!

I love to put a shout out to our wonderful team leaders. If you have just sponsored you may not receive your leadership title or promotion until your recruit completes her first 30 days. Our Senior Demonstrators (recruited at least one new demo) Kathy Ashton (WA), Elizabeth Campbell (AZ), Christina Guido (AZ), Mary Reynolds (AZ), Traci Rhodes (AZ), Ronda Strauss (NY), Raquel Thompson-White (AZ), Lisa Thorpe (AZ). Our Gold Demonstrator is (recruited at least 3 demonstrators) Mary Fulk (AZ), and our Manager (at least 5 demonstrators) Melanie Davis (AZ). Thank you each for the extra time you put in to your candle business to be a great leader!

I would like to take a minute to share what I'm doing in my business with you - so you know YOU CAN DO IT! I live in a rural town and I still managed to squeak out a $4,500 fundraiser, $1,750 in party orders and $100 in website & personal sales. I enjoyed getting a $150 VISA cash card from Gold Canyon for the fall incentives last month. No matter where you are, Gold Canyon is selling, don't miss out! If people aren't buying candles from YOU they're buying them somewhere else!

I want to remind everyone to try hard to put in 2 $400 party orders this month! Gold Canyon is offering commission bonuses if 60% of our team puts in 2 $400 parties. Only the ones who put in the 2 orders get the bonus PLUS a $50 cash reward. ALSO, if you recruit 2 demos this month that sell $350 you can get a $50 cash reward! Gold Canyon's fall cash incentives are so sweet, don't let them pass you by! For details see the flyer here:

That's all for now - please check the blog weekly for ideas to build your business!!! I love you guys, thanks for all your hard work!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Price is Right Game

I did this game twice this week and it went over well. It's a fun alternative for your regular party product/host/opportunity presentation.

I wrote mine on 3x5 cards but you can probably print from here - but you'll have to make adjustments depending on what items you have in your inventory to show. Use the catalog for description ideas. Take with you: Monopoly money, a little hourglass or timer, a bell or buzzer, customer contact cards or slips of paper, a small prize (or 2 in case of a tie)

Give each guest $100 to start out. Sit the bell, timer and an addition $300 on the table. At any time, if a guest decides to book they can pick the $300 up off the table. Have each guest complete the customer info cards or put their name on a ticket, and collect. Pass out the commercials to guests and ask for a Vannah White to come up to be your lovely assistant.

Draw the first 2 contestants, they need to come up front to the bell. Introduce the first items up for bid... Gold Canyon's new Seasonal candles! "All 3 of these candles are the perfect choice for your home or a gift. first, our 16oz Orange Pomander, comes in a simple, elegant glass design embellished with foil stamping, 3 wicks and the fragrance of juicy mandarin orange covered in whole cloves..... second, our 13oz Apple Dapple Drops, with a cheery red grossgrain ribbon makes this ready to give! has a real recipe to try under the top label and smells of caramel, apple, ginger and nutmeg... finally, our 15.5oz Spiced Gumdrops candle - with a home crafted charm and the fragrance that will warm your home with the sweet delights of an old-time holiday favorite. Two of these candles are the same price and one is not - which item up for bid is NOT the same price as the other two?" First one to ring the bell gets to answer. In this case, the Orange Pomander and Spiced Gumdrops are both $17.98 and the Apple Dapple Drops is only $15.98, so the correct answer is Apple Dapple Drops. Award the correct answer with $100 and give the loser $100 for playing. Offer a bonus either to the contestants or your studio audience to tell how much the actual retail value is for extra cash.

Now it's time to pause for a commercial break. Have the first reader announce the Host specials for the month. Novembers:

"Tonight's program is brought to you by Gold Canyon ~ bringing you the World's Finest scented products and an opportunity for individuals looking for inspiration to discover and elevate their natural born talents. HOST a party this month and receive $20-40 MORE host rewards!! A $550 party normally gives you $80 and this month you get $100 plus 2 1/2-off items and a FREE 16oz Cinnamon Garland candle. That's $162.97!!! Book yours now!"

Turn the hourglass over and open up to your audience for questions on the host program. Everyone who asks a question gets $50 each.

Draw 2 more contestants. Introduce the 2nd item up for bid. I had the new Patchwork Pottery pod warmer I wanted to show off. So as Vannah was showing it around the room I read, "Gold Canyon's Suddenly Scented line offers unlit expressions of fragrance in Room Sprays, Book Marks, Diffusers, Auto Fresheners, Sachets, Linen Scent and Scent Pods. Our new Patchwork Pottery pod warmer is a pretty way to liven up a room. This quaint, detailed design features checks and stripes in vibrant colors, a lovely addition to your home or office. Convenient on/off switch with timer option of auto-off at 4, 8 or 12 hrs. No fuss, no mess, no flame!" This is the "More or Less Game". The first contestant to tell if this item is MORE or LESS than $31.98 wins. The actual retail price of this item is $29.98 so the correct answer is "LESS". The person who guessed correctly gets $100 and the loser also gets $100. You can offer a bonus by not telling that and letting them guess the actual price - and open up to the audience if you wish.

Pause for another commercial break. This one is the sponsoring information from the monthly promotions. "Now, a word from our sponsor..." (have guest read)

"Gold Canyon proudly offers ways for you to stimulate your income - make money NOW by joining our team! This month there are 3 choices for signing up from $20 to 3 easy payments of $49.99 - or earn it free with $700 in sales PLUS get $25 Gold Dollars and refund your shipping if you earn the kit free!"

Turn the hourglass back over and open up for questions on demonstrating. Hand out $50 for every question.

Have the guests count their money and the two with the most get to advance to round 3 for our Showcase Showdown. You are going to showcase 5 products and they have to total the amount of all 5 products, without tax or shipping, and the contestant to guess the price without going over WINS! You might offer and pen and scratch paper for the really competitive ones. I tried to have items from our different lines for my showcase showdown. Let Vanna help show each item and you give a short description. Here's mine:

"19oz Baking Line in delicious Caramel Ginger Strudel comes in a reusable kitchen canister, burns up to 170hrs... 35oz Homeology Peppermint Eucalyptus Glass Cleaner - plant based, made with real essential oils, worry and streak free... Emerge Out on a Limb Body Lotion 8fl oz of a wonderful lightweight formula with botanical nutrients to restore your skin in a feminine fragrance... 4x6 Heather & Hyacinth pillar candle - a sweet and inviting fragrance in olive green, 39oz, burns 150-180 hrs... 4-pack Apple Orchard Pearadise Votives, 2oz each, petite simplicity, inviting aroma with a soft glow, now offered in 25 fragrances."

Give the girls time to add it all up. Let each contestant announce her bid. The actual retail price is $75.90 so the one closest without going over wins. You might consider letting the audience participate if both contestants go over. Award the winner $100. Also let them know if this was their order, they would save $5.75 this month with the Nov. customer promotion of saving 25% off one item on orders over $75.

Thank the guests for playing and remind them to have their pets spayed and neutered!!! Award a gift to the big winner (the one with most $$$) An alternate way to play is have items for sale such as tealights for $300 each, votives for $400, etc.

Have fun!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Halloween Marketing Ideas

Here are a few great tips to get your name out this Halloween:

1. When the moms come with their children, to your door, give the kids the candy and then give a treat or sample to the mom. Say, "I have a treat for you too!"

2. If you are going around the neighborhood with your children, hand the gift or sample to the mom, (or ask if she is there) and give her the "treat." 3. If your neighborhood, school, or church does a "Trunk or treat" be sure to participate and give your samples there. Everyone loves to get a "treat," even the moms and dads.

4. Give a "treat" at your parties during the month of October. Tell your customers that this is a great time to get started in the business because they can use "Halloween" as an opportunity to tell people what they do. Plus, the holiday season is a time when people are buying gifts, so their sales get off to a great start.
Gold Canyon offers some great tealight samples- they come with little boxes and a place to put your business card. You can order them on Supply Order. They offer Ginger Lime, Fresh Orange, and Clean Sheets. The cost is $10.98 for 30 boxes and tealights. What a DEAL!
Halloween is a great time to jumpstart your Holiday business, so take advantage of the opportunity!

5. Send out an email to your customers with a special offer. This one will boost your monthly totals but will cost you your commission on minimum orders. "TRICK OR TREAT! Gold Canyon only Treats! Spend $30 and receive a 5oz FREE! Hurry, Offer Ends 10/31 at midnight"

Have a great weekend! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ideas to Implement

A few ideas to enhance your candle business this week:

$1,000 Silent Party. Phone ten past Hosts, customers or friends/family members and have them each collect $100 in outside orders. Put them all together and you have a $1,000 Party without even leaving your home. You can raffle off all the amazing Host incentives so each of your ten participating Hosts receive free products.

Calling All Customers. Get your phone, your customer phone list and a mug of hot cocoa. Sit by the fire and call all your customers for re-orders. Introduce yourself and say, "A really important part of my business is customer care and I wanted to call and ask if you are running low on any products or need any of our great new fall products for your home or work? I also have wonderful gift giving ideas."

Step out of the box today and see what it can do for your business!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Halloween Party Game

Happy Halloween month! Following is a fun Halloween party game submitted by Patricia McCoy.

The demonstrator brings a small gift wrapped in a halloween treat bag (or whatever you have, black, orange, yellow or purple). No one knows what's in it. Then she hands it to the first guest to arrive (or someone else after all are seated.

The game is used as an "ice breaker" to start the night off AND it has a booking seed & an opportunity seed incorporated into the story. The demo tells everyone that when she says LEFT, the person holding the gift hands it to the person to her left and when she says RIGHT, then it moves to the person on her right. The person that has the bag when the story ends is the winner of the gift and then the demonstrator can move easily in to her presentation with the captivated audience.

A Halloween Story
_______________ (Hostess), left her house and was on her way to go pick up the Halloween costume she mistakenly left behind at the store. “I hope the one I picked out is still right where I left it,” she said. ______________ knew that she needed to get back there right away, before there was nothing left. She headed right for the Party store and went down one aisle. She turned left, and then she turned right, and she made her way back down the next aisle for the right costume. Sure enough, there it was, right where she had left it, … right next to the candy. Finally, she had what she needed. So she left for home, to go and carve the pumpkins. When she got home, there were big brown boxes left right on her doorstep! __________________ knew right away that it must have been her Gold Canyon candles… and they arrived right on time for Halloween! _______________ got right to work… she lit her new Gold Canyon candles, decorated the house with her new Halloween candle holders, then carved her pumpkins. Their spooky faces lit right up with her fragrant tealights. When all was done, she enjoyed a wonderful Halloween night with family and friends. Now that I’ve shared this little Halloween story with you, I hope I’ve gotten you into the Halloween spirit. Right now, I’d like to offer you a treat of your own… a chance to treat yourself to a free shopping spree just like our Hostess ______________will be receiving for having tonight’s Show. There’s no trick to this treat! Just pick a date right away to relax with your friends by candlelight and I’ll do the rest. Also, keep in mind, that if you left home with the intention of shopping for gifts tonight, we have the right gift for everyone. Review your shopping list because we wouldn’t want anyone to be left out. We have just the right gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, and all special occasions. The holidays are also a perfect time to bring in extra cash in a fun way. If this is the right time for you to explore starting up your own home-based business, please talk to me right after the demonstration. Don’t be spooked! Because there’s no experience necessary and best of all, you can start for only $20. You heard me right! You can start making money right away with a Gold Canyon business of your own! I’m glad to be here with all of you tonight and I hope you have fun, too. And so, without further delay, I will get right to the point, which is showing you all of our fabulous candles and accessories. Therefore, there is really nothing left for me to do, except congratulate our winner, right? Congratulations!

September Recognition 09

I admit, I was a slacker in September and didn't post any recognition for August. I appreciate all of you who worked hard in our last month of the summer catalog. Christine Dunlap, Megan Moreno, and Heather Uhland, all from AZ, finished the month out "tops" in the $550s. Right on their tail was Ronda Strauss (NY) with $529. Other active demonstrators in August were Ginger Good, Nancy Simpson, Jessica Hernandez, Kelley Montana, Sandra Hessert, Raquel Thompson White, Kelly Ashliman, Elizabeth Campbell, Mary Fulk, Traci Rhodes, Christina Morgan, T. Knight, Jennifer Arrellano, Lisa Thorpe, Zoe Mitchell, Tasha Jacquez, Sandy Sellers and Melanie Davis. WOW! That's awesome! 22 of us placing orders that totalled over $6,250. I'd like to welcome new demonstrators to our team in August, Bonnie Eismon (AZ), referred to me by a previous demonstrator, and Roseanna Martin (AZ) who was sponsored by Christina Guido (AZ). We are so happy to have Roseanna on board and put our hands together for Christina for signing her up - - - at her very first party nonetheless! Wonderful job everyone!

September was a great month for growing our team. We welcome back Jennifer Anderson (AZ) and Deanna Rust (AZ) as well as a brand new demonstrator, Lola Sanders (OK). The addition of these wonderful ladies brings our team count up to 58.

I am pleased with the leadership on our team. Senior Demonstrators are those demos who recruit 1-2 new demonstrators. We have 8 Senior Demonstrators, Gina Andersen (GU), Kathy Ashton (WA), Elizabeth Campbell (AZ), Christina Guido (AZ), Traci Rhodes (AZ), Ronda Strauss (NY), Raquel Thompson White (AZ), and Lisa Thorpe (OK). We also have one Gold Demonstrator on our team (sponsors 3-4 new demonstrators), Mary Fulk (AZ). We also have one Manager on our team (sponsors 5-9 new demos), Melanie Davis (AZ). My current leadership title is Senior Manager, meaning I have 10+ demonstrators in my frontline, plus at least 1 Senior Demo, plus at least 2 Gold Demos. My next promotion is "Gold" Manager for which I need 3 Gold Demos..... now which of you Senior Demonstrators is ready to kick it up a notch and recruit one more to help me out?????

Our September sales were awesome, up to 27 demonstrators placing orders (almost half! that's great!) With the fall season and being able to order out of BOTH summer and fall catalogs, our team sales were over $8,630. Hold on tight, this is just the beginning of a great season.... in the next month or two you are going to see that number double! That doesn't count the fundraiser submitted by Mary Fulk (AZ) for $9,841. Mary is the fundraising QUEEN! I do lot of fundraisers but they just don't compare to Mary's! Our top sellers for the month are: Ronda Strauss (NY) with $1390!!! Mary Reynolds (AZ) with $717, Kathy Ashton (WA) $696, Traci Rhodes (AZ) $672, Raquel Thompson White (AZ) with $460, and Christina Guido (AZ) with $455. All of you are amazing demonstrators! KEEP IT UP! And let me not fail to mention more awesomely awesome demonstrators who also sold this month: Suzanne Mortensen (IA), Lisa Thorpe (OK), Melanie Davis (AZ), Ginger Good (AR), Angela Palmer (AZ), Christine Dunlap (AZ), Kathy Kuwik (NY), Zoe Mitchell (AZ), Christina Morgan (AZ), Jessica Taylor (AZ), Shaunda Jacobs (AZ), Megan Moreno (AZ), Heather Mendoza (AZ), Jessica Hernandez (AZ), Lola Sanders (OK), Kathy Mendonca (CA), Sandra Hessert (AZ), Elizabeth Campbell (AZ) and Kelley Montana (AZ).

September was also the end of 3rd quarter and I am happy to say that our team sales for the quarter were $22,986 and the year-to-date sales are $65,552.

Before you go, I wanted to make sure you know October's Host Promotion is $20 bonus host rewards, and GC has extended the "3 easy payments" as well as the $20 Join Us promotion. See the updated flyer here ALSO, have you all noticed you can round your customers' orders up for Prayer Child donations? Be sure you ask every customer as you complete their order - it's a great way to donate to a wonderful cause. Read up on the Prayer Child Foundation in your catalog and visit AND, Gold Canyon is offering Cash Incentives for the next 3 months for sponsoring and for having 2 $400 parties/mo. If 60% of our team places 2 party orders of $400 in a given month EVERYONE who places those orders gets a 5% bonus (min. $40) in addition, $50/demo for 2 or more sponsored demos. Let's do it!

Thank you all for being a great team! You're the best - - I mean WE're the best! Keep it up!!

Friday, September 25, 2009


We have a new teammate that is on fire! Raquel (AZ) stirred up interest in the business with a friend at her first party. She brought the friend, Chrissy to our team meeting and she signed up just after. Raquel helped Chrissy sign up a demo after her first party as well! They've been working together to market their businesses. Raquel is great to update me on her new team's success by email, "She is doing great and excited as ever. I'm helping her with her second party tomorrow. Her recruit is doing great, too and I believe her party is coming up very soon too. We are all pretty much an excited bunch of demo's. We let our excitement SOAR. :) We're tryin to burn some pounds by marketing twice a week in the mornings. It's nice yet I've bumped into 2 old friends in this manner. One gal is going to do a catalog party and the other I need to check in with." I just love hearing about it and feeling inspired by her enthusiasm. Raquel and Chrissy both recently attended the Tucson training meeting with me. She reports, "I encouraged myself to invest in the tealites. The tealites have helped me be stronger in the way of speaking up about Gold Canyon. In order to be successful I have to be out there with my team. We market twice a week utilizing flyers, but when I we see a individual walking into a store, or heading towards their vehicle I get there attention and let them know how wonderful our products are by giving them a brochure, and a free tealite, and I end my conversation by collecting their name, address, and phone number so I can follow up with them in a couple of days. It's a powerful little tool to utilize. From marketing Christy has received one party, and I have received one catalog party. We make action happen every week without out we will not succeed."

Another wonderful demonstrator also attended our Tucson meeting. Megan brought her good friend Eli with her.... who claimed she was just there for moral support. I really enjoyed meeting both ladies and hoped I could get Eli on board, she would be a great demonstrator!! I have since talked to Megan and Eli really is considering joining... come Eli, DO IT!!! Anyways, I asked Megan what she brought back from the meeting and she replied, "it helped me to just refocus and put more time into my business. I have 2 parties scheduled for October 3 and October 4! I have only done one party so I didn't really have anything but the samples to show. So I ordered some things a couple days ago that I think people would buy if they could see it in person. I also have another two parties in the works but one of them wants to have the party in their new home so we are waiting till that gets finalized! If I can get a good base of customers from these parties then I am going to get my website back up and running! Also, I think that I am going to try to make the toffee for the parties coming up! It was soooo tasty and would be a great way to sell the candle!" I can feel her excitement and I'm happy that she has reignited her flame with her candle business.

Thank you Raquel and Megan for sharing your stories with us, and for the amazing work you are putting in to your candle business! We all have a few things to learn from you!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Tucson Regional Meeting 9/1

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of attending a regional meeting launching our fall products. I was pleased to have some of our team members representing us. I got to present the new fall line up to the group, and brought some home made Caramel Pecan Brittle from the recipes in our new fall catalog. It was a sweet way to showcase our new Sweet Traditions line.
One of my favorite quotes from the evening is "The fortune is in the follow up". I think we often grab our money and run and forget to take great care of our customers. I'm going to work harder at following up with my customers so I can keep them coming back to me.
We had a great presentation about Gold Canyon's Prayer Child foundation. It is important for us to be aware and share what we know with our friends, guests, hosts and customers. It was stressed to push the Prayer Child line by selling at least one at every party. One of the demonstrators in attendance has applied for assistance from the Prayer Child Foundation for a special friend of hers. The program is close to home, there to help and we need to be supporting it.
Notice my pose, I'm trying to show off the Prayer Child Bracelet I won in the raffle at our meeting! It is the new 2009 addition to Gold Canyon's jewelry, silver with a chunky dangling heart, designed exclusively for the Prayer Child Foundation. Buy yours for $75 at Profits benefit the foundation for children in need. It goes with everything from t-shirt & jeans to dresses and is a great conversation starter for your business!
We received a BOOKING handout I wanted to share with you. Everything in your Gold Canyon business starts when you book a selling appointment. From it comes sales, more bookings, regular customers and new team members. So your first step is to PACK YOUR CALENDAR! When you are writing on your calendar, you are writing in your checkbook!!! All you have to do is simply follow the suggested outline below. Then BELIEVE, WORK, FOLLOW THROUGH and IT WILL HAPPEN!
1. Make a list of every person you can imagine, to ask about giving them an opportunity to introduce their friends to our fabulous new products and scents.
2. Set aside one hour a day, your "Power Hour", each day of the week to work on the phone. Call each person to tell her you are participating in a special program and your assignment is to introduce at least five people this week to our fabulous new products and fragrances. Then ask for a date, giving her a choice (Tuesday night or Thursday night). Next, tell her to please share her Gold Canyon experience with five to ten friends and how she can receive free products. Explain our Host program and current monthly promotions. BOOK HER and then call your next prospect.
3. It is imperative that every one of your customers receives at least one phone call per catalog cycle. Seasonal changes in fragrances and updates in new products make it a vital service on your part as their PROFESSIONAL DEMONSTRATOR. Call and book a home or catalog party by offering the opportunity to earn free products or invite them to your open house.
4. The best possible place to book a party is at your party or open house. Your goal is to always book two selling appointments, one to replace the appointment you just had and one to grow on! Leaving a selling appointment without your 2 bookings is like walking out of your host's home and leaving money on the table. I would be much more excited about a $150 party with two bookings than a $400 party with no bookings. BOOKINGS ARE THE LIFELINE OF YOUR BUSINESS!
5. There are many other ways to book, however, the KEY to each and every approach is simply ask and expect a YES! The worst possible result you will get is a "no" and believe it or not, that will not injure or disable you unless you let it. A "no" is not a terminal situation, unless you want it to be.
These are our regional leaders, Senior and Gold Managers from Tucson. L-R Dana, Toni, me, Kathleen Quirk (home office), Kim, Lisa

Friday, August 28, 2009

Demonstrator Meeting 8/28

I want to extend a great big THANK YOU to the four local demos who took time from their busy schedules to attend our demonstrator training meeting last night! Here we are, Christina and baby Mallory, Traci, Chrissy, Raquel, Erin and my daughter Alayna.

We spotlighted some of the new fall releases, here we are "Romancing the Candle"
We took the fragrance quiz to see which of GC's new perfumes suits us, we introduced Gold Canyon's new leadership bonus, talked about September's promotions, fundraising, had a product hunt in the catalog, had drawings, and shared what was great in each of our own businesses this month.

I think the best part may have been playing with the Emerge products, each of us pampered our hands with the hand scrub and hand silk. It not only smells divine, it felt sooooo soft and luxurious. Lots of Emerge party ideas!

It was a fun night with giveaways, free gifts and stirring up some excitement for fall with Gold Canyon! Stay tuned and we'll do it again soon!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Mystery Hostess Event

Plan your own Open House this month and share the Host Rewards with your guests! Your flyer could say something like this:

Don't miss out on the biggest Gold Canyon Summer Event, where everyone can be a winner. Door prizes will be given for all in attendance. You do not need to be present to win the final drawing. Winner(s) will receive a percentage of the Hostess Rewards (Value up to $138*).
*Will be a 1st (60%), 2nd (25%), & 3rd (15%) place winner based on party total. Name drawn only once.Names are entered into the final drawing by the following ways:
1. Receive 2 tickets for attending
2. Bring a friend - receive 5 tickets/per guest
3. Order total of $50 - receive 5 tickets
4. Order total of $75 - receive 10 tickets
5. Order total of $100 - receive 15 tickets
6. Book a party - receive 20 tickets
7. Start your own business - receive 25 tickets

Monday, August 3, 2009

Team Recognition - July '09

July was HOT, thank you ladies for awesome sales, you made us look great! Your sales were just short of $9,000 this month plus $2864 in fundraising sales. Way to go!!!

First, I want to congratulate new demonstrator Christina Morgan (AZ) who not only reached $700 in sales to keep her full demonstrator kit FREE (June join us promotion), she also earned her first Quick Start Incentive and is receiving $75 in FREE products and now has the opportunity to move on to the next incentive level. I had the opportunity to attend Christina's debut party and have watched her take the steps to become a wonderful demonstrator. Christina also took time out of her schedule to join the new demonstrator orientation conference call so I wasn't surprised when she exceeded her goal! In showing a fantastic dedication to her business, she finished her first month at $864, in the top 3 for our entire team. Great job, Christina!!!

I would now like to welcome our new demonstrators... Jennifer Arellano (AZ) (July), Ginger Good (AR) (May), Tracy Mayberry (AZ) (July), Kelley Montana (AZ) (May), Christina Morgan (AZ) (June), Nancy JJ Simpson (GU) (June), Raquel White (AZ) (July), Heather Uhland (AZ) (June). I am so happy to have you all on our team! I can't wait to learn from you through working with you for candles. Though I am not all of your direct uplines, I am always here to help you with your Gold Canyon business.

I'd like to spotlight one of our Team Leaders, Gold Demonstrator Mary Fulk (AZ). This month Mary submitted a fundraising order of $2864 and had $1590 in team sales. Mary has been on board since 2004 and is a Charter Distributor with Gold Canyon. That means, she invested $5000 to join - back before it was so easy and not just anyone was allowed to do it. She has had literally tens of thousands of dollars in Fundraisers which is her forte and even received nationwide recognition from Gold Canyon for her efforts.

Our highest sales for the month goes to Mary Reynolds (AZ). Mary never ceases to amaze me with her massive parties. July was no different, Mary submitted $910 in a single party order! You are so awesome, Mary!!! And right on Mary's tail is Ronda Strauss (NY) another one of my favorite demos (did I say that?!) Ronda and Mary are very much alike with their consistent beefy sales. This month Ronda's sales were $864 in party AND personal website sales. I love the way you gals are promoting Gold Canyon's summer offerings!

We have another another group of sizzling sellers who really worked their businesses this month. Nancy Simpson (GU) had a $702 party, Ginger Good (AR) had $651 through personal and website sales, Heather Uhland (AZ) had a $501 party, Malanie Davis (AZ) sold $497 all through her personal website sales!!!, Christine Dunlap (AZ) sold $460 through parties and personal website orders, and Heather Mendoza (AZ) had a $452 party. You are the cream of the crop!

The other active sellers on our team this month are Jennifer Arellano, Sandra Hessert and Traci Rhodes, Kelley Montana, Angie Palmer, Mia Mayberry, Elizabeth Campbell, Barb Conboy and Kelly Ashliman.

I also wanted to share what I've been doing with my business this month. First, this blog. I hope you will take a moment to scroll down through the next few posts after you read the recognition. I try to update with ideas to help your business at least a few times each month. There is also an indexing system on this page if there is something particular you're looking for help with, go to the "Labels" section in the column on the right, find what you're looking for, click it, and all the posts pertaining to that will come up for your review. In addition to the team blog and answering lots of phone calls, I sponsored two demos and held a demonstrator orientation earlier in the month and spent 30 minutes answering questions and training new demos on our team on a conference call. Christina and Raquel both received FREE gifts from me for joining the call. I also attended both of their debut parties to support them and help answer questions. They have expressed an interest in attending local monthly demonstrator training meetings which I will start again this fall. I had a great party this month and I'm hosting my own open house this week. My monthly sales were $1,123 for party, personal and website orders. I have a fundraiser booked for this coming month. I recieved 75 Gold Dollars for sponsoring and other summer incentives. On the 10th I will receive a direct deposit from Gold Canyon for $537 for my downline commission check - this is on top of the earnings for my own sales. I also entered a float in our community Independence Day parade to market my business. I love my Gold Canyon business! It keeps me hopping but it is worth it. I hope some of you may be interested in building your business so you can enjoy even more of the fun and money it has to offer! I'm here to support you, just a phone call or an email away! Stay in touch!

Have a great August, remember this is the last month for our summer catalog. Coming soon is all of the delicious fall fragrances, decor and lots of great new products.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Watch and Learn

This summer I've been invited to a few home parties from other direct sales companies. I've enjoyed sitting back as "the guest" instead of "the demonstrator" and taking mental notes of what they are doing that I can incorporate into my business. I wanted to share.

The first experience was with a cosmetic company, my sister-in-law was the host. Her consultant asked her to complete the guest list, including phone numbers. My sister-in-law asked me for my permission to provide my phone number so I was already curious about this consultant. I've never asked my hosts for their friends & families numbers BEFORE the party, I wait and get them at the time of the order. See where this information comes into play.... a few days before the party I received my own personal phone call from the consultant. She introduced herself and told me she was so excited to meet me at ________'s house. She asked if I had any skin care concerns so that she would be prepared for me needs on the night of the party. She was very friendly, warm and upbeat and I felt at ease with her call. It made me excited to meet her, too, and to put a face with the name on party night. This also increased my commitment to attending the party. If your Gold Canyon party attendance has been low, try that approach!

Speaking of the same skin care consultant: about a week after the party, my products arrived. I received a phone call from the consultant to make sure I got the order and to explain how to use them. Her follow up and customer service was excellent, she didn't keep me on the phone a long time - just quick enough that I knew she cared! From my experience before the party, I already knew I was going to love doing business with her and this confirmed it! Again, she was an excellent example for demonstrators in caring for her customers. If you are struggling with repeat business or losing customers, try her tactic, a little phone call goes a long way :o)

A final testimony of this wonderful consultant, a couple of weeks after all of this, I went to my mailbox and found an envelope addressed by hand. Hmmmm, how often do you get that kind of mail? Usually everything in my mailbox is computer-generated junk mail or bills. I was very excited to open it up and what do I find? This amazing consultant's monthly newsletter! She had printed an uplifting poem, a product spotlight, and an invitation to her own open house on a bright paper. The newsletter also contained a "Customer Care Card" with my name on it, that she initials for every $10 I spend, then after $100 I'll get $10 off my next purchase. What a great way to keep customers coming back! I went ahead and ordered her featured product of the month, even though I have 4 other consultants from the same company who live closer to me, she has won me over by the way she does her business. Have you ever thought of a monthly newsletter for your customers? Or customer care cards? What a great way to win their hearts, too!

My final "watch and learn" experience was tonight I went to a friend's home decorating party. I was greeted by the Consultant when I entered the room. I thought this was great because at some parties the demonstrator just sits in the corner quietly. She had name tags for all the guests - made from the computer-printed labels with the company logo at the top and our names on it with a sharpie. I noticed that she was able to answer questions and direct her comments to the guests using our names, which was an effective way to keep our attention and personalize her demonstration. Another thing I liked about his demonstrator is that, not only did she have a lovely display in the room, she picked up each item from her display, spotlighted it, told where to find it in the catalog and passed it around the room. I was thinking of candle parties, and how often demonstrators sit everything out and leave it there for the guests to figure out on their own? If we followed this consultant's way, our customers could learn more about the different product lines we offer - candles, body and home. The final example I appreciated from the party this evening was her guest participation tactic. She made some "Auction Bucks" that she would pass out every time a guest asked a question. At the end of her presentation, she had two small items that she "auctioned off" to the guests with the highest bucks. It was a fun way to get us all asking questions and to give away free products (who doesn't love that?)

I hope you can implement these ideas in to your business and bust out the sales this August! Go team!!!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Prospecting for G.O.L.D.

Are you “Getting Out, Living your Dreams”? This is the month to go out and celebrate the opportunity you have to offer. Building a strong foundation through perpetual prospecting will afford you the opportunity to get out and live your dreams.

Why do we want to prospect for Gold?

When you prospect, you share your most important product – your business opportunity.
To build a successful business, we need to be ever alert to opportunities to meet new potential Demonstrators, new Hosts and new customers. Always be growing your Circles of Influence.
You want to market your business. Remember you are a two-legged billboard advertising your business. You are looking for people to share in your excitement and love for the Gold Canyon opportunity.

Who do we ask? EVERYONE!

Always Ask! When you don’t ask, you make the decision for them.
Everyone who could use extra income for his/her family
Everyone who would enjoy personal growth
Everyone who would like a little recognition for a job well done
Everyone who is in need of a paid vacation
Everyone who would like to be a part of a company that attracts phenomenal individuals
Everyone who would like to be a part of a company who gives back to the community and contributes to the greater good
Everyone with an entrepreneurial spirit who would like to be his/her own boss
Everyone who works full time who would like to supplement their income or even be able to make a career change

How do I talk to these people? Ask questions!

All you have to say is, “Do you know anyone who … ?” Just fill in the blank with any of the above.

Where do we prospect for Gold? Everywhere!
Sports Events
College Campus
Craft Fairs
Grocery Store
Appointments (Doctors, Dentists, Hair Salon, etc.)
Local Fairs
When do we prospect? Everyday!

You are a walking advertisement for your business.
On every phone call, during every outing, throughout your daily routine
Every time you are talking with anyone, always ask for referrals. (opportunity, fundraiser, Party and order. Share all of your services)
Your business is very unique in that it goes with you everywhere, all the time.

What do I do?

Be excited about your business.
Know why you love your business.
You have a limited amount of time to pique their interest, so be quick and concise. Practice your 30-second commercial.
Have your Tealight Opportunity Samples and business cards.
Carry a notepad so you are able to write down their contact information or use the Customer Contact Cards.
Offer more information. Always carry Sponsoring Packets and catalogs with you. Remember, it’s a compliment to tell someone you think they would be good at what you do!
Follow up within 36-48 hours

Monday, July 27, 2009

Candle Helper

My apologies for a scantily clad little girl... but this week I had the cutest candle helper I had to snap a shot and share! My 2-yr old stepped in to help me place my re-order labels on a candle order. It kept her busy for a while and when she was finished putting a sticker on the bottom of each candle she started putting them all over herself...

I hope you and your families are having a great summer and enjoying your experience selling Gold Canyon!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Interactive Party

Involve your guests by making your next party INTERACTIVE! Here is a fun party idea shared by Celeste Ortiz.

Ask for guest volunteers. They will be reading these cards and you play the Vanna White role by either holding up product or show the pages in the catalog. Give your host the candle care card and pass out one card to each volunteer (you don't have to use all of the cards). The guests generally know each other, so they will listen and it will change up your presentation in a fun way. All volunteers get a tealight!

Cards: Card # 1 Gold Canyon has an incredible fundraiser program. Your organization can earn up to 40% profit!! I know someone who is here today that can answer your questions if you or someone you know would be interested in learning more! Card # 2 Fem Fabulous Candles feature this ultra chic black glass, colorful cocktails and divine desserts in fun flirty colors! These 16 oz candles come in 3 different scents and burn 75-95 hours. Card # 3 Looking to get the fabulous scents of Gold Canyon in over 70 different fragrances but without the flame? Then our Pod Warmers are for you! There are 7 different styles now available with an on and off switch with timer option of automatic off at 4, 8 or 12 hours! Card # 4 Gold Canyon is going green! Check out our line of plant based cleaning products called Homeology. This product actually won Rachel Ray's "Greenie Award"! These reasonably priced items will have you feeling like you're in a Day Spa while you're cleaning! Card # 5 Emerge! Rise to a new sense of energy. Reach a new level of focus. Find a new state of balance. In less than 15 minutes a day! Card # 6 As a company committed to delivering the "World's Finest", we carry a greater obligation to invest in the world's most valuable asset and finest resource-children. With the purchase of each Candle's for Kids, 100% of your purchase will be donated to The Prayer Child Foundation. Since 2000 Gold Canyon has given over $1.5 million in aid and assisted children in need throughout the world. Card # 7 Our signature Heritage Line has over 40 scents to choose from in four different sizes. Burn times range from 25-30 hours in our mini 5 oz. to 175-200 hours in our double wick 26 oz. This line is sure to please! Will you be ordering the Pomegranate? With fresh pomegranate-a fusion of peach, strawberry and green apple scents! OR does Sugar Cookie suit you better? Sweet cream, butter, sugar and vanilla baked to a golden perfection! Card # 8 Gold Canyon candles are safe! We have cool burning wax, so if there was an accident and the wax spilled on your skin, it wouldn't burn, you'd just smell real good! Each candle has safety wicks where they will extinguish when there is around ¾" of wax in the bottom of the jar, thus preventing shattered glass. We also provide Lead-Free Wicks! Card # 9 July Host Specials - Any Pod Warmer FREE or Discounted With Party sales of at least $400, Hosts will receive 50% off ANY Pod Warmer. $550 or more in Party sales equals 75% off for Hosts and $700 or more in Party sales gets them ANY Pod Warmer FREE! As a bonus, Hosts with Parties of $400 or greater will receive two Scent Pods™ FREE (A value of $11.96). This is on top of the FREE and discounted items you receive as a Host! Now have dates open in July for Girl's Night Out! The Demonstrator just happens to have a calendar with her. Card # 10 Did you know that you can become a part of the Gold Canyon family for as little as $20? Get this fabulous product for a 25% discount and your home will never be lonely of fragrance again! There is someone in this room that would love to have you as part of her team. Don't wait one more minute. Just tell her SIGN ME UP, I love these candles and want to save money! Card # 11 Candle Care What is it? In this Candle Care 101 class you will learn how to keep your candles in tiptop shape and extend their burn life! First, maintain the beauty of your candles by trimming the wick to ¼" before each burn with this Wick Trimmer. Second, rather than blowing out the flame, use a Wick Dipper. There will be no residual smoke and it coats the wick for an easier light the next time!

If you have extra time you can quiz the guests on candle care. Use the bottom label of a candle for you the answers. Be sure to have the monthly host promotion and join us special in card #9 & 10. I'm going to be trying this at my next party, thanks for the idea, Celeste!

Monday, July 13, 2009

July Sponsoring

Quote of the Week: "It's simple to buy pleasure, but you have to work to buy happiness." --Suze Orman

At the DSA Annual meeting last week one of the guest speakers Suze Orman reminded us that America has changed. People are no longer keeping their jobs forever and most people will now average 7 jobs between the age of 20 and 30. Yikes, I can't even imagine that as I am from the time when you got a job, went to work and retired from the job 30 - 40 years later. Now people do not trust their paycheck will be there next week. THIS IS WHERE YOU CAN HELP! You have the perfect solution that people are looking for. You have the answer for moms who want to stay home or who are working and need more money, singles or single moms who need extra income, retirees (now one of the largest segments looking for additional income) who are not retiring with the amount of income they expected.

If you are not sponsoring it is probably because you don't believe in the opportunity. Maybe you haven't worked at your business long enough or hard enough to realize the potential income. That doesn't mean the next recruit you bring in can't benefit. Maybe she will join and hold 3 parties per week to earn the $400 per week she lost from her full time job. You cannot judge others because you don't know their circumstance. The most important thing you can do is to let everyone know the opportunity that is available to anyone who is brave enough and bold enough to seek a different way. Playing both parts of the Sponsoring can help you identify the people at your home parties that need what you have to offer! Be a solution finder and watch your business grow!

Be ready to help those who express interest know the next step to joining. If you're not comfortable signing them up under you, refer them to your upline and refer your upline to them. Here is a quick link to our July Promotions flyer so you can be up-to-date on this month's "Join Us" promotion.
Check the Essentials site regularly to be in the know for monthly sponsoring. You can do it!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Dare to Imagine!

I was watching one of my favorite movies the other day, "You've Got Mail" with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan and had a revelation! During the part where Meg's character was talking about closing her book store, a friend said, "You are daring to imagine that you could have a different life. You are marching into the unknown." As soon as I heard that line I thought, "wow, that's a lot like someone who has joined a direct selling company." When you joined [Gold Canyon] you definitely began to march into the unknown. You probably didn't know much about what to do but you were excited about the tremendous opportunity available. Your life can be so incredibly better than it was. You can have lifestyle freedom and if you work it like a business you can soon become "job optional." It's time to start moving in the direction of your dreams and you will soon be living the life you have imagined! --Karen Phelps, Direct Sales Expert

Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July

My kids helped me enter our local parade this year. We decorated our quad and threw tealights. It was so much fun for us and all the lucky moms who came home from the parade with a free candle! We packaged the tealights singly in snack bags along with a business card and threw about 250. I also ordered about 100 sample packets of the Emerge lotions and handed those out as well. Of course we had saltwater taffy to throw to the kids and played our All-American tunes. It was a great time!!!
I made the banners with about a yard and a half of marine blue vinyl from our local fabric store. With my 40% off coupon it only cost me $10 for all 3 banners. I bought a grommet kit from the hardware store for $15 and a friend of mine printed all the lettering for $45. The sides say "Keep America Burning Bright!" and the rear has the Gold Canyon logo with my website. All-in-all the banners cost me $70 and I can re-use them in the future.
Use this as an idea for advertising your businesses. Use your creativity and have fun!!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Team Recognition - June '09

It's my favorite time of the month - team recognition! I love sharing your accomplishments! I am happy to say we're back up to 55 on our team. This month, Gina Andersen (Guam) and I both sponsored new demos. Let's extend an enthusiastic welcome to NANCY JJ SIMPSON (GU) and CHRISTINA MORGAN (AZ) our newest team members!

Our top sellers for June are GINGER GOOD (AR) $844, RONDA STRAUSS (NY) $558, ELIZABETH CAMPBELL (AZ) $553 and GINA ANDERSEN (GU) $454. Great job, ladies!

Our other active demontrators were Kathy Kuwik (NY), Tasha Jacquez (NM), Tina Morrison (NY), Zoe Mitchell (AZ), Kathy Ashton (WA), Jessica Hernandez (AZ), Mia Mayberry (AZ), Melanie Davis (AZ), Suzanne Mortensen (IA), Nancy Simpson (GU), Lisa Thorpe (OK), Karen Thomas (AZ), Sandra Hessert (AZ), Kelly Ashliman (MA), Mary Fulk (AZ), Heather Mendoza (AZ) and Tammy Neamon (NY). That's 21 out of our 55 that are actively selling. You guys are tops!

I want to recognize our demos with leadership titles. It takes a lot of work to get promotions - and every one of you are eligible for it. We have one MANAGER on our team, Melanie Davis. To be a Manager, you need to sponsor at least 5 demonstrators and 2 must promote to Gold Demonstrators. I also want to add that when I see Melanie around town she is always wearing her beautiful Gold Canyon logo necklace that was awarded to her when she promoted to manager. You can see a similar pendant inside the back cover of your catalog. It is beautiful! Congratulations on all of your leadership accomplishments, Melanie! We also have one GOLD DEMONSTRATOR on our team, Mary Fulk. To be a Gold Demonstrator, you need maintain at least 3 active demonstrators. In addition to these fine leaders, we also have two SENIOR DEMONSTRATORS. A Sr. Demo has recruited at least one new demonstrator. Our Seniors are Kathy Ashton and Lance Mayberry (AZ). All of you, keep recruiting, building your teams, and watching your leadership levels grow!

Just for fun, I looked up our team numbers - these sales are all reflective of YOUR work: Our monthly sales for June were $5422. Quarterly sales $20,524. Year to date $42,566. And my "career to date" team sales are $385,900. Isn't it amazing!!??? Thank you all for your dedication and work. I appreciate everything you do.

I'll close this month's recognition post with a challenge I love from Eleanor Roosevelt: "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams and live the life you have imagined." Have a great summer and keep up the wonderful work in your candle businesses!!!!!!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Moms & Summer Business Helps!!!

This is information from a regional conference call at the beginning of the month, sent to me by my sales manager, Kathleen Quirk. Being a mother of 4 I really appreciated these ideas and hope some of you will, too!

Including your kids in your summer business:
*Do business at the park, the pool and other places you take your kids
Talk with host & recruiting prospects
Bring your laptop to return emails
Make customer care calls
*Meet prospective Demonstrators at McDonald’s where the kids can play in the enclosed playground while you interview
*Allow your children to experience the following so you can have extra time to do your business:
Vacation Bible schools
“Mothers Day Out” programs
Day camps—scouts, YMCA, summer school
*Gift wrap a Xerox box; (wrap top separate so it can be lifted off) Fill with inexpensive toys…tell your small kids, the only time they can play with this special box of toys is when you are doing business on the phone…when you get off the phone, have them pick up the toys and place them back in the box for the next time…keep rotating the toys to keep the box fun and exciting…

Summer Parties
· Vacation for your Senses party: Can’t afford a vacation this year? Join us for a 2 hour vacation experience with all of our tropical fragrances. Put display on a cute beach towel, wear a beach hat and carry product in a beach bag. Have the hostess serve drinks with tiny umbrellas in them and have tropical music playing.
· Emerge Spa Party: come pamper yourself and experience our fabulous emerge body care line.
· Unlit expressions party: You don’t have to burn candles to experience our wonderful fragrances. Come experience all of our unlit expressions: pod warmers, diffusers and much more. (Of course, candles are still for sale!)
· 5-1-1 Party: Tell the host she needs to invite only 5 friends and the each need to bring one friend and the party will only be one hour.
· Ugly Candle Party: Have the guests bring their ugliest candles. Give tickets for the sorriest ones.

Theme Parties
Pool Party—serve mimosas and light appetizers (with sunscreen)
Flip Flops and Fritos---or---Flip Flops and Margaritas
Play a flip flop game, example: have everyone put one of their flip flops in a large bag and hide the other flip flop in the bedroom. Pull out flip flops one at a time and people write down who they think the flip flop belongs to. Serve Fritos and dip or Margaritas.
Lawn chair party for an outside party. Ask everyone to bring their own lawn chair.
Game (points or tickets):
Aluminum chair—5 points or tickets
Torn or broken---10 points or tickets
Red---5 points or tickets
Blue---10 points or tickets
Cloth or plastic
Collegiate chair
Baked Potato Party—everyone bring a potato to bake at the party; (Put them in the oven after you play the game.) Host would have butter, sour cream, cheese and bacon bits. Can also add a salad. (To allow people that forgot their potato, the Host should have extra potatoes.)
Game (points or tickets)
Smallest potato
Most eyes
Shaped the funniest
Wine and Cheese party: Game: have everyone bring their favorite wine glass in a gift bag…open the gift bag one at a time and everyone writes down who it belongs to. (Hint—without anyone knowing what you’re doing, take the bags to the bedroom and mix up the glasses and the bags because people will see the bag that their friends bring in.)

Why start a business in the summer? (Why sponsor in the summer?)
People are looking for summer employment
Key in on college students and teachers who are out for the summer
Mothers are home with kids
Become a Gold Demonstrator now so you can take advantage of fall fund raisers
There is no time like the present
Great promotions from Gold Canyon

Any of you who have one of these parties and submit pictures for our blog will receive a free gift. Start planning today - and have a wonderful summer!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Pod Party

The word is out! Scent Pods are quickly becoming very popular. Be sure to have a POD PARTY this month to introduce all of the newly released pod products to your customers and friends! Call up your previous hosts because they'll surely want to host one, too. Our amazing new and improved warmers with timers and the fact that Gold Canyon is offering OVER 70 fragrances in the pods is really brining in rave reviews! Don't miss out on the excitement!

POD PARTY IDEAS: Use scent pods as prizes and gifts at your party, and be sure to have your favorite fragrance warming when the guests arrive! Have a "Pod Hunt" by handing out catalogs and the first one to find the page with all the pod fragrances wins a prize. Use your creativity and make four "Help Me" pins/necklaces/stickers for you or your host. You or the host will wear all 4 and only remove one to place on a friend or guest who is willing to book a party. If the host gives away one, she gets a free 5oz, if she gives away two, upgrade it to an 8oz, if she gives 3 upgrade your booking gift to a 16oz and if she can get four bookings give her a free 26oz. "Name that Scent" take the lids off 4 or 5 pods and pass them around for the guests to write down their guess. Then tell what the answers are and see who got the most right. Be sure to have a Bonus Pod ready for a tiebreaker! This is a great way to get everyone smelling something new and talking about the products.

The pods and pod warmers are HOT this summer, make sure all of your customers and hosts know about it so you don't miss out on mega sales! Read more about our scent pods using the Labels section in the right column, just scroll down to Scent Pods to learn more ---->

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

May Recognition

WOW! Another month gone by! It's been quite busy around here, I finished off May with $2,780 in sales ($1800 of that was a fundraiser). That feels good. I'm pleased with all of your work this month and wanted to give you all a holler. Our team sales for the year are over $36,000 --it is a great time to be selling with Gold Canyon!

I'll start out with new demonstrators, please drop me a line if you've recruited and I missed someone, I don't get a notification from GC, I just have to look and see if I notice anyone new. I don't intentionally leave out a welcome, I love our newbies! I want to extend a WARM WELCOME Ginger Good (AR), Lance Mayberry (since March, oops!) (AZ), Mia Mayberry (AZ), and Kelley Montana (AZ). It is exciting to have you on our team and I look forward to getting to know each of you!

First let me recognize our top sellers for the month of May 2009. We had some real "go getters" with sales soaring into the thousands! Everyone put your hands together for new demonstrator Mia Mayberry (AZ) who sold $1,648. Closing in on her is Christine Dunlap (AZ) with $1,360 and Ronda Strauss (NY) with $1,235. All of these numbers are enviable, thank you ladies for amazing efforts!

In addition to our top sellers, these are our business builders in May: Alvin Thomas (AZ) $570, Kathy Ashton (WA) $526, Melanie Davis (AZ) $523, Sandra Hessert (AZ) $522, Barb Conboy (WA) $350, Lisa Thorpe (OK), Mary Fulk (AZ), Madalene Nieblas (AZ), Jessica Hernandez, Heather Mendoza, Zoe Mitchell, Kelly Ashliman, Traci Rhodes, Ginger Good and Tammy Neamon.

Everyone be sure to promote the Soda Pop Shoppe candles that have returned for a limited time. I've had customers asking about them right and left - and have printed the Show & Sell sheets to include with every catalog I give out. The Join Us promotion is 3 easy payments of $24.95 for the month of June, so it's a great time to build your team! Have a great summer!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

It's Not About YOU

I was told a story of an experiment a man tried on an airplane. On one leg of his flight, he talked non-stop about himself to the person sitting next to him. The next flight, he asked the person next to him questions to learn about that person. Both people were interviewed after leaving the plane. The first person said the person sitting next to him was the most boring person he had ever met. The other person said the gentleman was so interesting and that he enjoyed talking with him. Hmmm. It goes to show that IT'S NOT ALL ABOUT YOU!

Dale Carnegie once shared this brilliant thought: "You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you."

According to Belinda Ellsworth, motivational speaker and direct sales trainer, "These words have literally changed my life and the way I do business. When communicating with others, the more impressed you are by them, the more impressed they will be by you. It's not about you; it's about them!

"When you're at your shows or sharing your opportunity, always understand that you're not the star. It's not about you. It's about the people whom you're trying to reach. Stop talking and start listening. Effective listening is a two-way street. It's a dialogue, not a monologue. This give-and-take is where the greatest learning takes place."

My challenge for you this week is to take a genuine interest in the people you meet. Be positive and look for the good in everyone. The more positive you are and the more you care for others, the more people will be attracted to you -- in your business and your life.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sorting Orders and Post Cards

Here are some more helpful hints from Laurie H. She makes an effort to supports her hosts’ when they receive their order (she ships party orders directly to the host to allow her more time with her family, to do her business, and it saves her money.) She has had great success and her hosts love seeing what everyone purchased. I agree with this - every time I get an order in I take off the lid of everything and sniff -- and it gives me ideas for what I want next! I encourage you to try this, too!

Laurie's idea:
I have a small "Wrap It Up" packet that I mail my hostesses after I see her party has shipped (usually only cost a regular 42 cent stamp). I don’t mail it too soon because I don’t want it to get misplaced before her order arrives. The packet includes the following items:

*Enough re-order stickers for each candle
*"How to sort your party" letter (see text below)
*The yellow receipt copies for my hostess records and the pink copy that she can use to sort the party. This could be used like the packing list.
*Post cards from that say:
"Thank you for your recent Gold Canyon Order. As always you don’t have to wait for the next party to order. You can call, email, or visit my website any time. Remember Gold Canyon fundraisers earn 40% profit! Be sure to trim your wicks to 1/4" to ensure even burning."

How to Sort & Distribute your Gold Canyon
Candle Show

Invite everyone over to your house after you receive the party for coffee and doughnuts to pick-up their orders. This is another opportunity for friends to get together and you will not have as many deliveries. After seeing what everyone purchased, guests may choose to place another order!
This could possibly be a catalog party for you allowing you to earn even more FREE Gold Canyon product!!!

Here are a few simple instructions on completing your show:

1. Remove all products from the boxes. Lift bottom box flaps and check for wick dippers and bookmarks. These sometimes work their way to the bottom. Also remove all grey foam inserts. Product sometimes will slide between the side of the box and this insert.

2. If you have any damaged or broken candles, please call me ASAP!

3. If there is no damage or broken candles, please place one gold reorder label on the back of each candle. Turn label sideways for the 5oz candles, and on the bottom for the pillars. Please do not place stickers on the box.

4. Bag each customer individually and if customer has ordered more than one candle that is not in a box wrap one of the candles in one of the white bags included with your order and in your labeling packet mailed to you. Writing the customers name, and how many bags they have, on the front of the bag makes it easier to pass them out.

If you have any questions during this process, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Demonstrator’s name
Gold Canyon
Demonstrator’s phone number
Demonstrator’s email
Demonstrator’s web address

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Flip Your Lid!

Below are a couple of ideas that was shared by Laurie H., Sr. Manager from TN:

Situation: Laurie went to a Pampered Chef party to purchase a specific pitcher. A customer at the party started telling everyone how her pitcher fell apart and wasn’t good quality, etc. Of course, the Demonstrator was horrified.

Laurie decided to start doing “Flip your Lid” calls to customers after they received their product. The purpose was to make sure the customer had taken the lid off her candle and started using it. Then Laurie would ask if the candle was burning the way she expected, smelled the way she expected, etc. If there was an issue with the burning, she would offer candle care tips. If this was a first time customer and she didn’t like the fragrance, she would try to replace it with something she had.

The main thing Laurie learned from the Pampered Chef party was that she didn’t want customers sitting at another Gold Canyon party talking about a candle, etc. they were unhappy with from their last purchase.

Laurie would also tell the customer she had an order going in soon (even if she didn’t have an order—she would send one in after getting enough sales) and ask if she wanted to order anything. She said she is having great success adding additional sales.

When Laurie makes the “Flip your Lid” calls, she keeps the conversation to talking about a maximum of 3 things to keep the calls short. That way when she calls this customer again, the customer is more willing to talk because she knows Laurie is not keeping her on the phone.

So, “Have you flipped your lid yet?” What a great one-liner to start the conversation!

Another idea Laurie uses when coaching her hosts: She tells them if they get 10 or more guests at the party, she will give them an extra 10 oz. candle. She then uses the Host candle availble inexpensively on your supply order.

You could also offer “an ounce for every guest in attendance.” If she has 16 guests, she would get a 16 oz. candle of her choice as a bonus. I would do the Host candle for 10 guests and then give her a goal of 16 guests she would get a 16 oz. of her choice, 26 oz. with 26 guests, etc.

Usually, I don’t like encouraging Demonstrators to give ‘extra’ to a host; however, this is a great sales tool because we know if we get the guests to the party they will purchase and book. The host has to ‘earn’ this gift.

Thanks, for sharing your ideas and success!

These are my challenges to you:
1. Start today doing your “Flip your Lid” calls
2. Make note of open-ended questions you will ask the customer
3. After you have made 10 “Flip your Lid” calls, share this information and your open-ended questions with me by phone or email.
4. Do 4 “Flip your Lid” calls a day for the next 5 days and report back to me.
5. Continue following-up with your customers.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Enhance Your Success and Your Income

"Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do."
--Pope John XXIII7
Do you realize how lucky you are? You are living in the land of opportunity. You are living in a time when everything is moving so fast, today's technology will be outdated tomorrow. That's exciting, because there is always opportunity in an ever-changing world. You can have anything you want but you may not want it bad enough to go after it. WOW!
I just attended an amazing training event (as a student) so I could learn about the new software we invested in last year. I was in a room with over 600 other entrepreneurs all eager to learn. It was awesome! Every one was so excited. It reminded me a lot of you and other direct sellers like yourself. You are excited to succeed in your business! You want to have a consistent "weekly income" but too often you let things slip through the cracks.

When you joined Gold Canyon you probably made a conscious decision to learn all you could before you got started and then when you were supposed to attend the first training something came up and you couldn't attend. The second training, another catastrophe struck and pretty soon you said, the heck with it, I'll just go out and muck my way through it and see if this direct selling stuff works.

A colleague of mine has often said, "I'm constantly amazed at how stupid I was last week." He is a constant student of learning. He reads one book a week, he attends trainings and workshops in his field and no matter how much he knows he said he always comes back from a training or meeting having learned as much if not more than some of the paid attendees. By the way, he is the speaker at the events.

Why is it, the people who already know a lot are always the ones eager to learn more? What are you doing to gain the competitive edge over other salespeople in your company? What will distinguish you from the "rest of the pack" when you are at a trade show or vendor show grabbing at the same people to get them to come to your booth?

Are you willing to go the extra mile for your customers? Are you willing to invest in yourself and your business? Are you going about your business in the same mediocre way because you are too stubborn or too lazy to change?

Some people have probably already quit reading by now. The sad truth is, it's probably the one's who need this information the most. I just have to say, I am really tired of the lousy attitudes of most people. I'm tired of hearing about the lousy economy (I live in Michigan so you can help us by buying a US made automobile.) I know people are out of work and I feel sorry for them, however I also know one man's misfortune is another man's opportunity.

Some people will go for another two or three years looking for the perfect job instead of trying something new and different. There is an amazing opportunity to earn an above average income with your direct selling company. How many unemployed people have you shared the opportunity with? Granted, this business is not for everyone, but are you at least sharing it with people to let them know what a fantastic opportunity it is?

Are you just like the others who are making excuses as to why they don't have the bookings, sales, recruits and money they want? Is it every one else's fault or is it your fault you don't have the income you want to take your family on vacation this year? Whose fault is it you don't have the money to pay off your credit cards? If you are in direct selling it's your responsibility to set goals, create and action plan and get off your bottom and go to work. I know you don't have a time clock to punch in to work (maybe you should) but don't you think you should show up for at least 10 hours a week?

If you are sold on being in this funky state of mind I wish you luck, since you'll definitely need it. If you are ready to step put of your recession and you want to take the next step toward financial independence and lifestyle freedom then continue reading.

Get out of your own way. Your negative thoughts are preventing you from having the success you desire. In his book "Success Principles", Jack Canfield suggests you put a rubber band on your wrist and every time you have a negative thought snap the rubber band and replace it with a positive thoughtI know many people who would be black and blue because they had to snap themselves so many times. I hope you aren't one of them. Do you find yourself doing just enough to "qualify" each month to reach your minimums. If so you will never rise above the mediocrity you continue to plan for and accept. Maybe it's time to "raise your own bar". You will never become better than your most dominant thoughts. If you have a severe case of "stinkin' thinkin" as Zig Ziglar would say, it's time to put some processes into action to change your thoughts to begin to change your life.
Face your fears. Are you one of the people who are afraid to take action because something might go wrong. GET OVER IT! I'm currently reading a great book that provides a whole list of people who went bankrupt at least once and then continued on to become very successful. If fear is preventing you from trying something new or taking the next step stop and ask yourself this question. "What is the best thing that may result from me taking this action." If the best thing that can happen is a whole lot better than the fear you are allowing to consume you then "put your big girl panties (or big boy boxers) on and deal with it" You will be instantly amazed at how much more you will accomplish in less time with less energy (worrying drains the heck out of you) and with much more enthusiasm.

Start Studying. How much time and money have you invested in yourself to increase your worth. Since January I have already attended one training and I have registered for two more to attend this year. The total cost for all three trainings including hotel and airfares will be approximately $12,000. Some of you are thinking, is she nuts? I guarantee you what I am learning is imperative for my success and the information I learn is passed on to the members of Direct Selling Doctor. I have been learning sales and marketing skills and have begun to teach these same techniques to our members to use in their direct selling businesses to help them keep the competitive edge over their peers. I also attend sales trainings, Direct Selling Association Events and other things that will help me to help you! You must be learning all the time! When is the last time you picked up a business book and read it from cover to cover?
Become a student of success. "Those who perceive themselves to know the most often find themselves at the bottom of the success ladder."--Karen Phelps

Keep Marketing. As soon as you get a prospect, customer or hostess you can't assume they are yours for life. You must continue to market to them. There are many ways to market to your list including mail and email. Every time you market to your list you need to have a reason for contacting. It could be notification of a sale, special promotion or upcoming event. Keep your name, number and website in front of your list all the time and they will soon become your loyal fans.
Get to Work. I am utterly amazed at how lazy people become when the economy is unsettled. It's like they are looking for an excuse not to go to work. There is such a thing as "speed to market" and the bottom line is when you have a new idea, or learn a new procedure you must be ready to begin using it right away. I realize now, that is what distinguished me from so many others when I was in direct selling and that is what distinguishes me from others today. I never took time to overanalyze anything. If it sounded good and I thought it would get me results I went ahead and jumped in. Too many people find themselves waiting for the perfect time, the perfect situation, the perfect prospect or whatever other stupid excuse they can find to not go to work. NOTHING AND NO ONE IS PERFECT! We can all hope to be great at best but I will never pursue perfection. It is a useless and complete waste of my time. I will always keep studying and working to improve but perfection is not a goal of mine.

Go the Extra Mile. What have you done to provide extra service for your customer, hostess or recruit. I have an awesome consultant, Melanie H., with Gold Canyon, who did my show last fall. She has since called me at least 3 times to make sure everything was okay and to follow up. She even ordered a replacement for a damaged item that was not ordered from her. She wanted to make sure I am a "satisfied customer." DO YOU FOLLOW UP AS CLOSELY with your hostesses and customers? I've got to tell you, Melanie is on the ball! I've had numerous other consultants over the years and most have been pretty good, but no one, SO FAR has done such an exceptional job to keep me as a customer. You need to spend as much energy keeping your hostesses and customers as you do getting them in the first place. Satisfied customers will re-order, refer and book a party from you. They will not even consider dealing with someone else because you have taken such good care of them. I have a whole list of people I CHOOSE TO DO BUSINESS WITH, because of the good customer service. I have sales clerks in some of my favorite stores who contact me when things they know I like go on sale, (more stores could benefit by doing this), I have preferred waitresses at many of our favorite restaurants and we've been know to wait for a table in our favorite waitress' section. Do your customers look for YOU?
Get to National Convention. There is absolutely no reason for you not to attend Gold Canyon's Annual Convention. (Well childbirth and caring for ailing parents could keep you away) You should also be attending the leadership teleseminars if you are a leader. What could you possibly think you have to gain by staying home? Are you using the lame excuse "I can't afford it?" (Wow, if I had a nickel for every time I heard that from someone in direct selling I'd be wealthy.) Do you understand how important it is for you to associate with and be around other happy, motivated, successful people from your company? If you don't have the money, here is a homework assignment: BOOK SOME PARTIES! How many? As many as it will take for you to get enough money to pay for your registration, airfare, meals and other expenses. ARE YOU WORTH IT? I think you are! I think you should do everything you can to make sure you are at Gold Canyon's convention. I have heard so many stories from consultants who swear that attendance at their company convention changed them and their business. Sometimes you just have to do what you KNOW YOU NEED TO DO! Sometime you have to figure out a way to make it happen.

Remember, you don't get what you deserve in life, You get what you plan for and work for. Are you willing to work for what you deserve? Tough times call for tough people and you will find the strong will survive and even prosper with their businesses. If you are not on road to prosperity it's time to begin the journey. Your next best life is about to begin with a single step. What are you waiting for? Do something NOW!