Last night we had a team tele-conference discussing Gold Canyon's new "Simply 2" Slogan. Much thanks to all the demonstrators who took time out of their lives to join me on the call: Mary (AZ), Kathy (NY), Traci (AZ), Monica (CA), Jenny (AZ), Ronda (NY) and Kelly (MA).
Simply 2 reminds us to do 2 things a day for our Gold Canyon business to remain consistent and help build our teams and sales. The 2 things can be adapted to fit your level of activity, but their recommendations are: 2 Parties per Week, 2 Bookings per Party, 2 Sponsors per Month, 2 Customer Contacts per Day, 2 Fundraisers per Month (and for leaders,) 2 Personal Coaching Sessions per Day and 2 Team Promotions per Quarter.
We also discussed Gold Canyon's Simply 2 Incentive taking place 9/1-11/30. It's an additional way to be rewarded for your efforts in consistency this fall. There are higher rewards available but right now I'm just focusing on everyone achieving the first level. (See full incentive flier at Essentials online.)
MONTHLY REWARD: 4 Parties over $350 = 75 Gold Dollars and/or a $2500 Fundraiser = 75 Gold Dollars
MONTHLY BONUS: Sponsor 1 new Demonstrator = $50 in cash
CUMULATIVE REWARD (Paid out 12/10 for combined totals in Sept, Oct & Nov): Sponsor 2 new Demos + 4 Parties over $350 = $150 Target or WalMart Gift Card!!! and/or Sponsor 2 new Demos + 2 fundraisers over $2500= $150 Target or WalMart Gift Card
Gold Canyon designed this special incentive for ALL demonstrators to succeed. Even if you're starting brand new with no customers - implement "SIMPLY 2" into your business and you will succeed!
We recognize our team members who have already placed a party order over $350 this month and are already on their way to the first incentive: Gina Anderson $485, Christine Dunlap $466, Mary Reynolds $554, Ronda Strauss $353, Lisa Thorpe $406, Monica Vega $451.
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