Recipe For Bookings:
12 Full Size Candy Bars (I use King Size bars)
12 Raffle Tickets (I use GC Contact Cards)
2 Party Pleasers
1 Grand Prize
Willing Audience
Raffle Tickets
Right after you show everybody what they receive as FREE and DISCOUNTED from our Host Rewards and Monthly Promotions, take your basket of candy bars and say…. "We are going to play a SWEET GAME! This is a game of Chance and a game of Honor. I have 12 candy bars and they each have a raffle ticket taped to the bottom. A few raffle tickets say ENJOY and you get to enjoy your candy bar! A couple say FREE GIFT and you can choose one of my free gifts. There is one that says GRAND PRIZE and you are the winner of this (hold up your grand prize). The rest say LET'S PARTY and you are the luckiest winner of all because you get to have a party and receive all of your favorite Gold Canyon products FREE (wave your hand over the grouping of the host rewards and monthly promotions that you just showed them). Now remember….this is a game of CHANCE and a game of HONOR. You DO NOT have to play….however if you choose to play I am going to expect you to hold up your end of the bargain just like you would expect me to hold up my end of the bargain."
Pass your basket of candy bars around the room and watch the bookings flow in. I ask them once they pick a candy bar to hold it with the raffle ticket face down until everyone has picked. As soon as someone picks Let's Party hand them your date card. Anyone who takes a candy bar CAN BE BOOKED! They are willing to CHANCE having a show so GO GET THEM!!!
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