Traci, Katie, Erin
Our teammates who attended the recent meeting
Last Thursday we had a combined meeting with a few local Gold Canyon teams. Our theme was "Movin' and Shakin" and all of the convention attendees shared their "ah-ha" moment from conference. I brought home some new great ideas to share, read on!
First of all, our Regional Sales Manager, Kathleen Quirk was visiting from the home office. She announced the
dates for next year's convention so you can start planning for it now. Please mark your calendar for Aug 12-14, 2009 in Phoenix.
Catalog Idea: Include a cover letter with every catalog you send out! Personalize it to your style, taste and customers. I've already incorporated this into my business, I feel great about it and I can't wait to see how my customers respond.
Party Favor: Print out little slips on your computer (or hand-write if you're neat or crafty) "Be a Smartie, have a party!" Attach each slip with stickers or ribbon to packages of smarties candies and fill a cleaned-out candle jar with them at your next party.
Another saying to use on a handout or write in catalogs, "When money's low, have a show!"
Customer Care: Remember to stay in touch with your customers. Get to know the people at your parties. You'll gain their trust and respect.
People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.Feedback on our new diffusers: Some customers who haven't used this type of product may initially hold back because they're "too expensive". At our meeting, some of the demonstrators reported that they have shopped and compared diffusers from other companies. Pottery Barn sells similar products for $40, and Pier 1 Imports also sells expensive diffusers that aren't as fragrant. Personally, I found a $21 diffuser in ABC Distributing, with a few desirable fragrance choices, but I know from experience that the products have a tendency to be "discount store" quality. I think that Gold Canyon has priced ours well, and everyone is excited about the appliques and long-lasting 3-5months!Product versatility: Our cute new tealight set "Tree Squirrels" don't have to hold just tealights! Home Goods store sells little acorn salt & pepper shakers that fit on perfectly. Our squirrels are only available while supplies last, so buy yours now!
Lysol vs. GC's Suddenly Scented Sprays: One of the demonstrators in attendance had a family member who works for a leading brand disinfectant spray company. All of the workers there love to purchase Gold Canyon's room sprays because the quality and fragrance is so much better than what they have to offer. Some of the employees actually attempted to break down the makeup of Gold Canyon's spray to figure out how they can improve theirs! I thought this was an exciting selling point for us!
Employee gifts: Now is the time to approach business owners and offer them ideas for their employee holiday gifts. Create a packet with a cover letter, catalog and some gift suggestions to deliver for presentation. Provide 3 price-point packages (they usually pick the one in the middle - make it count!) You may consider offering a discount on quantities and/or gift wrapping. Be sure to include your cost on gift wrap to your sales prices. Contact local doctor's offices, banks, realtors, law firms and other businesses you frequent.
Approach holiday parties this way - instead of focusing on how busy the season is. Invite your customers to party now and do their holiday shopping with you. Have wish lists, make lists of "who" their shopping for, etc. and then "save them from the mall" by helping them shop for everyone on their list WITH YOU!
Holiday Idea: Offer a 12-Days of Christmas program. Predetermine 12 small gifts from Gold Canyon and sell them in a gift bag as a ready-to-give gift. All the purchaser needs to do is slip one on the recipient's desk, pillow or doorstep each day for 12 days leading up to Christmas. (You may also wish to offer 8 days of Hanukkah).
Party Idea: Drop fliers off at businesses offering Lunch Parties where you can set up your display and have a few games in their office while it's closed up for lunch break.
Gift Certificates: You can make your own fancy gift certificates on your computer, or stop by the local office supply store the next time you drive by and pick up a pack of gift certificates. They come in so handy in this season, and it will give you another selling point to your customers who might worry about picking the wrong scent for a gift.
Advertising: Our Candle/Body/Home products are PERFECT for the person who has everything! We make shopping easy! Plaster this idea all over your fliers, newsletters, emails, catalogs, party invitations, etc.
Conference attendees at recent local meeting, sporting our "movin & shakin" t-shirts and sharing ideas and helps we brought back from convention.