Day 1: Thursday - Home Office Tours. Our tour bus picked us up from the hotel and took us to Chandler to Gold Canyon's office. All of the production, customer service, finances, everything takes place there.

There are bricks paving the way to the front of the building with all of the original "Charter" Distributors who invested the "old" way - $5,000 initial investment. They've now changed to make it easier for everyone to join - only $99 now. I'm laying on sun baked bricks that are like 400 degrees to get this picture in the bright sun with my brick. The name of my business was "The Candle Closet".

Close up

Here we are in the warehouse, they have about 12 aisles like this, floor to high ceiling, with candles ready to be picked and packed for orders. We didn't get to go inside the "top secret" section where the candles are poured.

I don't remember this conveyor belt the last time I went through, I was impressed at how fast the boxes travel through it, from the picking line they are dropped, scanned and travel here for weiging and shipping/packing labels. All was quick and computerized, fun to watch.

Here's the new expanded warehouse. It's an additional 100,000 sq. ft. of space to grow into. The ceilings are higher and more skylights to make it brighter. Loved the motion lights, as you walk the lights over head turn on automatically, so only the parts that are being use light up.

After the tour we met in the employee break room for refreshments. Of course it was decorated to the max in our 50s theme. It was certainly a party in there.

In the hallways of the office, they have large (huge) banners with all of last year's recognition posted. Remember, these are the top 100 out of 25,000 demonstrators nationwide. I made it for Highest Average Frontline Sales 2007

Here's a close-up, I should have stepped back so I could see my numbers, not sure how much.

These two pictures are out of order, another one of our team members, Mary made it to the fundraising chart. Go Mary!

There was fun tour-y info on the busses for the 30-min drive from the hotel. They gave all kinds of AZ trivia and even brought some huge lizards for us to hold and learn about. Here's the gal holding the lizard, and "Angel Island Chuckwalla" on her chest. It was gross and freaked me out being so near to her while she was doing the presentation. I didn't want to hold it but lots of passengers did.

It was a fun tour, from start to finish took about 2 1/2 hours. I look forward to sharing the experience IN PERSON with all of you next year!
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