"My success depends on me"
"I am the one I've been waiting for"
"Work smarter not harder"
These are just a few of the ideas I loved from this presentation!
Our keynote speaker for Friday's session at convention was Cynthia Kersey, author of "Unstoppable", a book that reveals secrets and traits of some of America's greatest achievers. She taught us how we can create a breakthrough in our Gold Canyon businesses in just 30 days. The first step is making a decision: What do I want? That must be written down and specific. Then list 5 reasons Why I must achieve this goal? A strong enough "why" can bear any "how"! She showed a funny cartoon with the caption "I'm not ready to change my life, I'm still in the complaining stage". Hopefully that statement is not true! But it is important to realize and accept What BELIEFS have stopped me from moving forward with my goal? Then one can create empowering beliefs by raising your unstoppability quotient. Here are the ABC's of Unstoppability: A - Adversity - a triggering event (factual). Examples, someone turns down your invitation to purchase, a host cancels the party. Your initial interpretation is: B - Belief - internal self-talk evaluating the event. Examples, they're not interested, they don't like me. Then you feel or do: C - Consequences - quit or keep going. After you experience rejection, is your game over? NO! The new interpretation: D - Disputation - your New Belief. Next! next! next! You've got to get all the rejections out of the way so you can experience your success! and E- Energization - the new outcome. After you stick it out you'll have pleasure and excitement. You'll believe in your self. You can help others in your team believe in themselves, too.
The single most important action we need to take every day is to DO SOMETHING! Don't just think about it, do it. 5% of our actions are driven by our conscious mind. 95% of our actions are driven by our subconscious. 75% of our actions are driven by our negative thoughts. Be positive! A powerful purpose will get you through anything! If you would like more information about Cynthia Kersey's "Unstoppable" book or coaching, visit her official website http://www.unstoppable.net/ Cynthia finished her presentation with a quoted I LOVE by Marianne Williams: "You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightening about shrinking, so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
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