At a recent training with local leaders, I learned of small ziploc bags you can buy at craft stores such as Michaels or JoAnns. They are in the bead section. The ones I bought came in a box of 175 for about $4. Each is the perfect size to slip a business card and a tealight (with a reorder sticker on the bottom, of course!) Pass them out as "free samples" to potential customers and watch your sales soar! I gave it a try on the 4th of July and made up 25 of them to pass out at the parade. The next morning I woke up to notifications of personal website orders from locals - I'm sure from their free samples! The initial trial paid for my investment. I also did this at an eye appointment, as I left I asked how many ladies worked in the office and left one for each. They were all excited and I got a call with 2 new customer orders that afternoon!
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