There were 9 people in attendance and they played two games. I know some of you don't do games at parties, but I feel like it is important to get the crowd interacting and relaxed a little bit. Megan's game ideas were perfect for this goal.
First of all, she provided all the guests with a pencil and paper and they had to close their eyes and draw a jack-o-lantern while she walked them through each step. The one with the best jack-o-lantern wins a prize. You could choose the winner, let the host choose, or let the crowd choose. The second game was getting to know your host. Megan explains, "I had a list of items such as favorite movie, restaurant, country, etc... and the host had to write down the first thing that came to her mind. The others had to try and figure out what she would write down and the person with the most answers correct won." I think that's a wonderful idea and fun for all. One other thing Megan did that really impressed me was making treat bags for everyone who came. She didn't want anyone to leave empty-handed. She filled little party sacks with Hershey's kisses and a tealight for each guest.
Megan, you are fantastic! You really went the extra mile with your first party. Congratulations, and keep up the great work! I hope the rest of you will also share some of your business ideas with us.
While I'm here, I'll go ahead and share some another idea as well. Megan had mentioned to me that she had a guy in attendance. I've heard of "couples" parties, and guy nights where the ladies all bring their boyfriends/husbands and serve "guy" food (meatballs, chips, sodas) and let the guys participate. The game they played was making up the most creative scent idea for a new candle fragrance - like "Steak & Potatoes" or "Mechanic's Shop" or "Burnt Hair". Guys come up with all kinds of crazy stuff women wouldn't think of. And they love to smell and pick the scents their wives are buying. Men are big buyers! And at convention this year there were LOTS of men in attendance - helping thier wives demonstrating when they see how lucrative the business is.
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