Notes on Belinda Ellsworth: The Power Hour for Leaders
1. New Demonstrators: 1-90 days (Should devote majority of your time)
2. Business Builders: >90 days, holding parties, not yet sponsoring
3. Future Leader: Consciously moving toward leadership. Have sponsored 1-3 people
4. Leaders: Newly promoted leaders; Managers, Senior Managers, etc
Monday: Work with new demonstrators
Tuesday: Work with business builders
Wednesday: Work with future leaders
Thursday: Work with leaders
Interesting Industry Facts:
· It will take a new demonstrator 6 months to feel comfortable with their business.
· Only 25% will make it beyond 90 days.
· They have a 3 week window of initial excitement.
· Average demonstrator holds 3 parties a month.
· 70% of demonstrators sponsor 4 people and never get the 5th.
· Eight will make you great! Keep calling new demo’s on a weekly basis to keep them engaged and focused on their business.
· Rule of thirds: A third of your team is new, a third of your team is working and a third are on their way out.
· Money does not motivate women, it’s the THINGS they can buy with the money that motivates them.
· NUMBER ONE COMPLAINT FROM TEAM MEMBERS: “The only time my upline calls me, is when she needs me to place an order at the end of the month.”
· 3% complete their Gold Canyon Quick Start program.
Training Your New Demonstrators
1. Hold new demonstrator orientations either in person or over the phone
a. Tools
i. 10 Things to do before your kit arrives (Essentials/Action/Events/Teletraining)
ii. Welcome letter (You customize)
iii. New Demonstrator checklist
iv. Getting Started Guide (Available through Supply order; one comes in each kit now)
v. Quick Start Program
vi. New Demonstrator Questionnaire
2. Set High Expectations: Encourage them to book 6 parties their first 30 days.
a. Will help them pay off or earn their kit.
b. They gain practice and confidence.
c. They will achieve their Quick Start.
d. Lays the foundation for future business, sets good working habits.
3. Your number one goal for a new demonstrator: Help them sponsor someone in their first 30 days.
a. Cements her in the business
b. She now has a friend to run with.
c. They become accountable to each other.
Business Builders
Business Builders are the engine or working part of your business. The more people you can get into this category, the better off you will be. They have completed their Quick Start and continue to coast at 1- 3 parties a month UNLESS you help them set a new goal and see the “big picture.”
Business Builders are your consistent steady workers and are often your most neglected group. We tend to think of them as trained now and leave them alone. What then happens; they plug along with no direction until you call them at the end of the month or quarter when you need an order. Instead, get into the habit of calling them regularly. Set weekly or bi-monthly calls with them too. They may not yet see the big picture, so the frequent call will help expand their vision of what the company has to offer.
1. Following their first 90 days, they need to reset their goals as they now better understand the business and what it entails. (See Business Builders Goal Sheet)
Phone calls help keep your people focused, motivated and inspired. The number 1 reason people are in this business is for RECOGNITION! Make a big deal out of the little things first. “Great $700.00 party!” Then continue probing as to where she is going next and how she can improve. “What do you have coming up?” “Are you happy with that?” “What have you tried?” “How can I help you?”
The following files are available by email request (erin[dot]didion[at]goldcanyon[dot]us)
~Key Questions for New Demonstrators: Questions you can ask a new demonstrator to get to know her and build rapport
~New Demo Checklist: A checklist on important points/steps to cover with a new demonstrator.
~Party Observation checklist. The most powerful way to train a new demonstrator OR re-energize a frustrated demonstrator in a slump, is to have them observe a successful party. Use this form to help guide them on what to look for.
~Business builder Goal Sheet. A goal sheet o use with demonstrators after their first 90 days.
~Business Builder Tracking Sheet: A record keeping tool for you to use with each business builder.
~Business Builder Tracking Report: A record keeping tool for ALL of your actively working team members.