Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Belinda Ellsworth - Power Hour for Leaders

For any of you who are unfamiliar, Belinda Ellsworth is an awesome motivational speaker for direct sales companies. I had the opportunity to attend one of her presentations at convention last year - and I still remember her great wit and enthusiasm. On a recent leadership training call with Kathleen Quirk from Gold Canyon, I was introduced to more of Belinda's concepts for leaders. This post is dedicated to the demonstrators out there who have a downline, making you a "leader" in the Gold Canyon business. If you haven't sponsored yet, there's still tons of great info in here that will make you a better demonstrator and you'll be ready to be a leader when the time comes (hopefully soon!)

Notes on Belinda Ellsworth: The Power Hour for Leaders

1. New Demonstrators: 1-90 days (Should devote majority of your time)
2. Business Builders: >90 days, holding parties, not yet sponsoring
3. Future Leader: Consciously moving toward leadership. Have sponsored 1-3 people
4. Leaders: Newly promoted leaders; Managers, Senior Managers, etc

Monday: Work with new demonstrators
Tuesday: Work with business builders
Wednesday: Work with future leaders
Thursday: Work with leaders

Interesting Industry Facts:
· It will take a new demonstrator 6 months to feel comfortable with their business.
· Only 25% will make it beyond 90 days.
· They have a 3 week window of initial excitement.
· Average demonstrator holds 3 parties a month.
· 70% of demonstrators sponsor 4 people and never get the 5th.
· Eight will make you great! Keep calling new demo’s on a weekly basis to keep them engaged and focused on their business.
· Rule of thirds: A third of your team is new, a third of your team is working and a third are on their way out.
· Money does not motivate women, it’s the THINGS they can buy with the money that motivates them.
· NUMBER ONE COMPLAINT FROM TEAM MEMBERS: “The only time my upline calls me, is when she needs me to place an order at the end of the month.”
· 3% complete their Gold Canyon Quick Start program.

Training Your New Demonstrators
1. Hold new demonstrator orientations either in person or over the phone
a. Tools
i. 10 Things to do before your kit arrives (Essentials/Action/Events/Teletraining)
ii. Welcome letter (You customize)
iii. New Demonstrator checklist
iv. Getting Started Guide (Available through Supply order; one comes in each kit now)
v. Quick Start Program
vi. New Demonstrator Questionnaire

2. Set High Expectations: Encourage them to book 6 parties their first 30 days.
a. Will help them pay off or earn their kit.
b. They gain practice and confidence.
c. They will achieve their Quick Start.
d. Lays the foundation for future business, sets good working habits.

3. Your number one goal for a new demonstrator: Help them sponsor someone in their first 30 days.
a. Cements her in the business
b. She now has a friend to run with.
c. They become accountable to each other.

Business Builders

Business Builders are the engine or working part of your business. The more people you can get into this category, the better off you will be. They have completed their Quick Start and continue to coast at 1- 3 parties a month UNLESS you help them set a new goal and see the “big picture.”

Business Builders are your consistent steady workers and are often your most neglected group. We tend to think of them as trained now and leave them alone. What then happens; they plug along with no direction until you call them at the end of the month or quarter when you need an order. Instead, get into the habit of calling them regularly. Set weekly or bi-monthly calls with them too. They may not yet see the big picture, so the frequent call will help expand their vision of what the company has to offer.

1. Following their first 90 days, they need to reset their goals as they now better understand the business and what it entails. (See Business Builders Goal Sheet)

Phone calls help keep your people focused, motivated and inspired. The number 1 reason people are in this business is for RECOGNITION! Make a big deal out of the little things first. “Great $700.00 party!” Then continue probing as to where she is going next and how she can improve. “What do you have coming up?” “Are you happy with that?” “What have you tried?” “How can I help you?”

The following files are available by email request (erin[dot]didion[at]goldcanyon[dot]us)

~Key Questions for New Demonstrators: Questions you can ask a new demonstrator to get to know her and build rapport

~New Demo Checklist: A checklist on important points/steps to cover with a new demonstrator.

~Party Observation checklist. The most powerful way to train a new demonstrator OR re-energize a frustrated demonstrator in a slump, is to have them observe a successful party. Use this form to help guide them on what to look for.

~Business builder Goal Sheet. A goal sheet o use with demonstrators after their first 90 days.

~Business Builder Tracking Sheet: A record keeping tool for you to use with each business builder.

~Business Builder Tracking Report: A record keeping tool for ALL of your actively working team members.


Just wanted to share a couple of positive emails I received this week. Demonstrator Traci Rhodes shared an experience that a customer received Gold Canyon's 5-day sale promotion email, but didn't feel comfortable placing a web order. Traci encouraged her (great customer care), and the customer was able to complete the order on her own and wrote:

"Hi Traci! I am so excited because I just finished placing my candle order from the web site! I took your advice and ordered more candles! I ordered four candles and after I entered the promo code I automatically got a $15.98 discount!!!! It's like I am getting a FREE 16 oz candle!!! What a great deal!!!! And placing the order online was VERY easy! I am the least computer savvy person around, and I just went through it like I've done it a hundred times before!!! Let your customers know the discount is very worthwhile!!!
--Mishelle C."

Also, demonstrator Kathy Bull has been incorporating the Simply 2 program into her business. She wrote:
"I thought I would give you some great news. Well my contact two a day worked. I just did a party on Saturday and it hit 700.00 and the hostess isn't done yet. She has a few more orders to give me tomorrow."

Keep up the great work, ladies!

Monday, October 20, 2008

October Party Games

Our newest demo, Megan Moreno, just had her debut party and did a great job! She shared her party experience with me and I really appreciated her efforts so I wanted to share her ideas with all of you.

There were 9 people in attendance and they played two games. I know some of you don't do games at parties, but I feel like it is important to get the crowd interacting and relaxed a little bit. Megan's game ideas were perfect for this goal.

First of all, she provided all the guests with a pencil and paper and they had to close their eyes and draw a jack-o-lantern while she walked them through each step. The one with the best jack-o-lantern wins a prize. You could choose the winner, let the host choose, or let the crowd choose. The second game was getting to know your host. Megan explains, "I had a list of items such as favorite movie, restaurant, country, etc... and the host had to write down the first thing that came to her mind. The others had to try and figure out what she would write down and the person with the most answers correct won." I think that's a wonderful idea and fun for all. One other thing Megan did that really impressed me was making treat bags for everyone who came. She didn't want anyone to leave empty-handed. She filled little party sacks with Hershey's kisses and a tealight for each guest.

Megan, you are fantastic! You really went the extra mile with your first party. Congratulations, and keep up the great work! I hope the rest of you will also share some of your business ideas with us.

While I'm here, I'll go ahead and share some another idea as well. Megan had mentioned to me that she had a guy in attendance. I've heard of "couples" parties, and guy nights where the ladies all bring their boyfriends/husbands and serve "guy" food (meatballs, chips, sodas) and let the guys participate. The game they played was making up the most creative scent idea for a new candle fragrance - like "Steak & Potatoes" or "Mechanic's Shop" or "Burnt Hair". Guys come up with all kinds of crazy stuff women wouldn't think of. And they love to smell and pick the scents their wives are buying. Men are big buyers! And at convention this year there were LOTS of men in attendance - helping thier wives demonstrating when they see how lucrative the business is.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Personal Websites

Most of the calls and questions I've been answering for you recently have been concerning the corporate-sponsored demonstrator websites. Here it is in a nutshell:

1. How much does it cost?
Quarterly $29.97 or Yearly 99.97 You choose which way you prefer and they will bill you automatically. This amount also includes Gold Canyon's monthly E-Newsletter Service for all the clients with email addresses in your Customer List. You can cancel your subscription anytime by going to Essentials/Action/My E-Tools.

2. How do I sign up?
Log in to Essentials and go to Action/My E-Tools. You pick your URL, billing cycle and payment amount, and Voila! You're ready to start your Internet business. Check out our team mate's sites (scroll down and look at right column). This will give you ideas to personalize your site.

3. Is it worth it? Absolutely! Having a personal website allows you to accept customer credit card orders -- simply enter it on your personal website, better yet, let them enter their own orders and pay with their credit card! Also, you can share your website with friends and family who don't live close to you. They'll support your business and no shipping hassles! Your customers will love being able to shop online 24/7.

4. Tips & Hints All of you that already have personal websites, please share any ideas or tips you've learned or experienced with the rest of us. My advice - you have to market yourself if you want business!!!! Customers don't just show up on there, you have to get your website "out there". Put a magnetic sign on your vehicle, add your new website to your business cards, reorder stickers and catalogs.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Just a few tidbits...

Monday I participated in a conference call with other Senior Managers in our region, hosted by our Kathleen Quirk at the home office. I always bring little ideas away with me and thought you might enjoy some of them as well...

Some of the demonstrators expressed an inability to get "home" parties - many are leaning towards "catalog" parties. This wasn't the case with the panel of Senior Managers on the phone, only a few had experienced this challenge. That means LOTS of people out there are willing, and having home parties. But an idea that might help your host lean towards a HOME party would be to increase your offerings; add a little "something" to your host gift and let your potentials know, if they have a catalog party they will get such & such but if they have a HOME party they get that PLUS ________. (Don't break the bank, do something you can afford or that you have on hand already). If any of you have more ideas for this, please comment or email.

Once you get your party on the calendar, be sure to use the booking game explained in the previous Karen Phelps post and you'll get a lot more parties coming down the pipe.

One demonstrator on the call was having a party and the "buzz" was that everyone in attendance had already purchased the candles they needed from a recent fundraiser. (I've heard this one before!) For some, this kind of talk could ruin the mood and dampen the party. But not this demonstrator! She jumped right in with a fantastic plan. She had bottles of the Homeology cleaning products on hand and a roll of paper towels for her demonstration, and she announced "We're going to have a cleaning party!" She assigned different guests a bottle and a task and they all took turns cleaning windows, walls, counters, tile, etc. Everyone had such a great time and the host's home was sparkling! Needless to say, lots of Homeology products were purchased that night! And to top the evening off, they all washed their hands with the Emerge Start Fresh Hand Soap, Grains of Truth Hand Scrub and Raise Your Hand Silk. It was a very successful party. Make sure you incorporate our unique lines into your parties and presentations - especially those of you who have been doing this business for a long time and might be feeling a little "blah".

It's been said that "the eye buys". If you have the resources and talents, take a minute to dress up your candles - a simple ribbon with a jingle bell tied to it, pretty raffia or bows, ornaments, candy, etc. Use little props from the dollar store to make your display more attractive. (See Fall ideas from convention post).

I received by email some spreadsheets you might enjoy and find useful for your businesses. One of them lists all of the current fragrances and prices by category, the other has all the fragrances, prices, tax and shipping (you would need to modify for your rates). You could use these lists for a number things, from wish lists, to party packets, to fliers, and more. If you are interested I will you email them to you.

The last idea is one that can also be emailed or you can create your own. One of the demos on the call uses a 1/2-sheet questionnaire for gathering new customer information. She sits them out at parties, boutiques and craft shows and anyone who fills it out completely receives a free tealight. The form consists of the following fields: Date, name, address, best time to call, phone #, favorite item/scent, party interest, interest in selling, interest in fundraising, email address. Again, please email me if you'd like me to send you a copy.

Thanks for reading! Come again soon!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Party Plans and the Economy

Kathleen Quirk, my regional sales manager at the home office sent this email. It addresses a concern many of you have shared with me about your businesses and the economy right now.

I have had several people ask me how I think the economy is affecting party plan or they have said, “My business is down because of the economy.” Well, I want to share my insight on our business and the economy.

Based on my experience, when the economy is in trouble, party plan grows. Why? Let’s think about what we or any party plan company has to offer. We offer opportunities:

-If people are out of work or need extra money, we have a great way they can work their own schedule and with a minimal investment start their own business. WOW! That’s an answer to a lot of people’s prayers.

-For those that may not have the money to purchase gifts for the holidays, they will love to receive our free Host rewards to give friends, mothers, sisters, etc.

-And guests…we can’t have a party without guests. It seems that no matter how tight money may be, Americans are going to purchase holiday gifts so why not support a friend’s party and buy their gifts from a Demonstrator?

All we see right now in the news is how bad the economy is. Well, let’s make this into a positive for as many people as possible. The economy is a mind-set. If you believe your Gold Canyon business is hurting because of the economy, you’re right. If you believe you have the answers to challenges people are facing and you can help them overcome their issues with our opportunities, you’re right. Which belief system is empowering you and your business? Which belief system is paralyzing you and your business? It’s your choice.

To support what Kathleen has just shared, Gold Canyon just had a record day in sales for the company since they have been in business! On Wednesday, GC had $1.7 MILLION in sales. WOW! That sounds like someone is holding parties and that the party plan economy is just fine! Congratulations in being part of such a promising situation.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

"Do You Love Candles?"

One of our team demos, Jenny from AZ sent me an email today. She said "I can't seem to find anyone that wants to buy anything, do you have any suggestions?"

I wanted to share my response with all of you as well.

My first suggestion for you would be to try to meet some new people with the purpose of your candle business in mind. For most people, this means getting out of your comfort zone a little, but it pays off. At conference a demonstrator who is doing remarkably well, shared how she experiences so much success. Her name is Roshonda Contee-Davis, and she had a friendly, smiley, outgoing personality. Every person she talks to, she asks, "Do you love candles?" It opens up a conversation that leads to a business opportunity. Almost always, the person will answer "yes", then you can share why you sell Gold Canyon, and tell about our products. Then, give a catalog or business card or whatever you promote yourself with. The person can become a customer, a host or a new demonstrator.
The key is, Roshonda literally asks EVERYONE -- including the person giving her the food at the drive-thru, the lady in line at the supermarket, the insurance service rep on the telephone -- anyone and everyone she talks to, she asks that same question, "Do you love candles?" So let's all give that a good try. Be brave! Just ask that simple question to everyone you come in contact with for a day and see if it opens any doors for you. I bet you'll want to do it the next day, too!

My second suggestion would be practice some of the scripts we were given to "call up" parties. To find these, scroll down to the "Labels" section of the column to the right. Click "Booking" and then scroll down to the post titled "It's a Party Out There". Be confident, you have much to offer!

While you're going about these challenges, remember this: If you want what you've never had you must do what you've never done. My piano teacher used to tell me, "Practice makes nearly perfect" - so everybody, let's start practicing!!! Please let me know how it goes.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

September Recognition

First of all, I want to welcome our new demonstrators, DEBRA PETERSON (AZ), LYNN HAYES (NC), MEGAN MORENO (AZ), TANDY MILLER (AZ), ADRINA COLLINS (NM), CHRISTYN KEIL (AZ) and HEATHER MENDOZA (AZ). Let's give a big hand to our demonstrators who sponsored this month, MELANIE DAVIS (AZ), MARY REYNOLDS (AZ) and SAMANTHA GOODMAN (AZ). You guys are awesome!

Thank you, everybody, for a great start in our fall season! Our team sales for the month were $12,551, that's with about half of us placing orders. You guys are great!

I want to start with recognition for the Simply 2 Incentive, which lasts from 9/1-11/30. Your parties over $350 will count for the Target Gift Cards to be awarded at the end of the Incentive (4 parties >$350+2 qualified recruits=$150 Gift Card). The demonstrators who submitted parties over $350 in September are: Melanie Davis, Angie Palmer, Gina Anderson (2), Christine Dunlap, Heather Mendoza, Mary Reynolds, Ronda Strauss, Monica Vega (2).

Next, I want to give props to our two demos who did fundraisers this month, both first-timers, Traci Rhodes (AZ) and Kathy Ashton (WA). Neither of these gals are Gold Demonstrators, so the fundraiser went through me and I had a chance to train them and observe them, both working efficiently and professionally. Coincidentally, both demonstrators had Gymnastics teams for their organizations, and both groups sold about $1000 each. You, too, can do it!

Our highest party last month goes to Gina Anderson at $800.34 (Guam). I bet your host enjoyed picking out $100 free, 2 1/2-off items, an 8oz Heritage at 1/2-off, PLUS her exclusive Potted Blooms gift! That's a lot of wax! Has your host considered selling Gold Canyon? Just think, she could have made over $200 commission for this party. Gina, please email your tips and secrets to a successful party - you did a terrific job!

Congratulations to Sheridan Givens (AZ) who completed well over $500 in sales in her first month to earn the free kit promotion.

Most personal website orders goes to Melanie Davis with 7. Melanie, how do you market your website? Please share any ideas with us. Most party orders goes to Christine Dunlap (AZ) with 4.

Thank you, everybody, for making this a great month! Keep up the super selling and remember you can always call me for help and questions.