Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Customer Service

Before I post on customer service, I wanted to give a quick recognition to 3 demonstrators I know of who have fundraisers in the works. None of the 3 are GOLD demonstrators - but all will reap the lucrative rewards of a Gold Canyon fundraiser. Great job, Shaunda, Traci and Katie!!!

Recently Stephanie Rouly held an awesome training session on customer service at an area meeting. The next day her husband shared the following clip with her and she was so kind to share it with us. ENJOY and thanks, Stephanie! Click on this link to watch a 5-minute video that will remind you of why and how we can make an impact in what we do. You may even want to share it with others, and I hope you will. It's amazing how one young grocery store bagger made such a wonderful impact on his customers.

Email me with ideas you use to make your candle business shine.

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