... you're afraid to IMPOSE?
Do you have team members that are out of bookings? Worse yet, are you out of or very low on bookings? This weekend I was sort of complaining to my sister-in-law that business has been slow. She is a consultant for another company and she responded, "Not for me! I had a party Friday night and this is going to be my biggest month of sales since the Christmas rush!" Her comment reminded me that I can sit on the sidelines and complain or I can do something pro-active for my business. That's what I'm doing TODAY, won't you?
Here is an excerpt I enjoyed from Karen Phelps' newsletter on Asking for Referrals:
I attended a training class last night and while I was there I gave two fellow attendees the name of the sales contact for a particular service that I use. I don't get anything for it, but I like the product and the salesperson did his job so I might as well send business his way. I'm in sales! Referring people is part of what I do. Do you make it a part of what you do also?
Often, when I listen to training materials myself, I find myself asking questions that direct sellers just like you want to know the answer to. That's what happened this week as I was riding my stationary bike and listening to a training program. Wham, just like a smack in the head. We don't ask for referrals because we are afraid to impose! Where in the heck does that come from? What happens when someone asks you for a referral? Do you oblige? If not, why not? Are they imposing on you or are they really just asking you to share the names of people that could benefit from the same products or services you are benefiting from?
Unless you've been living under a rock, you've heard the saying, what goes around comes around. You must give in order to receive. Never has this been more true than with people who make their living in SALES!!!! How can you begin to immediately get referrals from your customers? Simple, ask for them!
"Hi Sherrie, this is Karen Phelps and I was calling to see how you are enjoying the product you purchased from Susie's party? I'm so glad it's working out for you because my business thrives on satisfied customers. You know Sherrie, our satisfied customers always refer friends or family that can use our product. I have a special gift just for you when you refer 5 people who might be interested. Who do you know that might be interested in finding out a little more?"
I was in direct sales less than a year when I figured out, if you don't ask, you don't get! Quit being a "scaredy cat" and start asking your satisfied customers for referrals today.