Okay ladies, here's some direct-sales vocabulary for you. The phrase is "Big Mac". At our training meetings my sales manager is always asking us if we make our "Big Mac" calls. You may ask what on earth a "Big Mac" is besides the hamburger at McDonalds... is the Big Morning After Call. This is what you should do the morning after your home parties.
This post is all about Follow-Up calls with your customers. This is the way you will have excellent customer service for your candle clients and it will set you apart from all the other candle girls on the block. Use these scripts and you will be AMAZED how well they increase your sales volume, return customers and sponsoring efforts. At first it feels funny, but you will quickly get the hang of it and before long you won't need your cheat sheet. Practice, practice, practice! I've done this and it truly works. Print this, open your customer database and pick up the phone. I'd love to hear your success stories!
Big Mac Scripts
The telephone is fabulous for follow-up. Don't depend on email. The more calling you do, the better you will get. Practice using these scripts and make up some of your own.
When making Big Mac calls:
“Hi, (Customer’s Name). This is (Your Name) from Gold Canyon. We met last night at (Host’s Name)’s Party. Do you have a minute? I really enjoyed meeting you and appreciated your order.”
If it was the Guest's First Party. say: “You mentioned it was your first Gold Canyon Party. What did you like best?”
If she is a Sponsoring lead, say: “You seemed to really love the product. Your enthusiasm was contagious! You really helped me sell the products. Were there other things you’d like to get that you didn’t get last night? Well, I wanted to let you know that there are two options for getting more product for a very small price or free … one is to book a Party and get all the Host Rewards and the other is to do what I do. What was it about my job that appealed to you?”
Another Sponsoring lead “I was so involved with the other guests that I realized you may have had some questions I didn’t have time to answer. What questions would you like to ask about our Host or Demonstrator opportunities?”
If she was interested in Host a Party, say: “Are you excited about getting all the items you ordered? It was hard to choose from so many great products, wasn’t it? (Customer’s Name), I’d love to do a Party for you and help you get some of the items on your wish list for free. I’m sure you have lots of friends who would be interested in what we have to offer.”
When you are ending the call, say: “As I mentioned at the Party, one of the most important parts of my business is service. You can call me with phone orders. I know how a birthday can sneak up on you sometimes. I can get you candles easily and quickly. Thanks so much for your time, (Customer’s Name). I’ll call you periodically to see what I can help you with.”
If you're calling someone who placed an Outside Order, say: “Hi (Customer’s Name). My name is (Your Name) and I’m with Gold Canyon. I wanted to thank you for placing an order through (Host’s Name). I like to get to know all of my customers and make sure they are aware of all the services we offer at Gold Canyon. Do you have a minute?”
“May I ask who you purchased your candles for? (Pause and listen.) I’m curious about how familiar you are with our products. Is this the first time you’ve purchased them? (Pause and listen.) Have you ever attended a Party?”
“I would love the opportunity to share Gold Canyon in person with you and your friends and family and help you earn free product like (Host’s Name) did. I’m also actively looking for people interested in the opportunity of joining Gold Canyon. May I tell you about it?”
You’re-Worth-Waiting-For “Timing is everything, isn’t it? I understand that you feel the timing isn’t right for you to get started with Gold Canyon. I just want you to know I think you’d be terrific and you’re worth waiting for. If things change, will you promise to call me?”
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Mother's Day Flier
This flier comes from Shanda Vance, a new demonstrator in TX who used Patricia McCoy's Valentine idea from a previous post and incorporated it into Mother's Day. Shanda left the wide border around the edge to use one of the pre-printed border papers. I wish I had some of that paper on hand to show you guys how nice it's going to look. Shanda was kind enough to email this flier in a word document to share if you'd like save yourself from all the time formatting, cutting and pasting. You can double-click the image to enlarge and view. THANK YOU FOR SHARING, SHANDA!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Rhyme Game
Here's another fun party game idea for your home parties this month. It's always fun to try something new and keep it fresh! Keep those ideas rolling in! Bring pencils and paper for each guest to add up their score as you read this fun poem:
This little game is all in rhyme,
It’s fun and it doesn’t take much time.
So get your paper, take a pen in hand,
When you add up your score, you’ll know where you stand.
The one who is likely to score the ‘mostest’
Is the lady who wants to be a Gold Canyon Hostess.
If a Gold Canyon Party you have had before,
You may now add 55 to your score.
But, if you book a Party tonight,
Give yourself 100, which is just right
Give yourself 10 if you brought a guest,
Add 15 more if with children you are blessed.
Give yourself 20 if your name is Sue,
Now take away 10 more for a non-sneaker shoe.
There are 35 points for unmarried girls,
Take away 5 if your hair has curls.
But, before you think this game has ceased,
There will be a prize for the score that is least.
There’s a wonderful prize for the highest score,
So add up quickly, there isn’t any more.
This little game is all in rhyme,
It’s fun and it doesn’t take much time.
So get your paper, take a pen in hand,
When you add up your score, you’ll know where you stand.
The one who is likely to score the ‘mostest’
Is the lady who wants to be a Gold Canyon Hostess.
If a Gold Canyon Party you have had before,
You may now add 55 to your score.
But, if you book a Party tonight,
Give yourself 100, which is just right
Give yourself 10 if you brought a guest,
Add 15 more if with children you are blessed.
Give yourself 20 if your name is Sue,
Now take away 10 more for a non-sneaker shoe.
There are 35 points for unmarried girls,
Take away 5 if your hair has curls.
But, before you think this game has ceased,
There will be a prize for the score that is least.
There’s a wonderful prize for the highest score,
So add up quickly, there isn’t any more.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Spring Party Ideas
Thank you, Kathy Kuwik (NY) for sending a display idea for spring candle parties:
Kathy puts candles in the Easter Holders and adds Easter grass around for a more festive look... for the game, she sees who can match Jelly Bellies with one of our candles (match jelly bean colors with candle colors OR GC fragrance with Jelly Belly flavors). She provides little prizes for the winners. Kathy used these ideas at a party and hit an awesome sales level of $515 - and the host was still collecting more orders!! Great job, Kathy.
Everyone, email pictures of your party displays to share!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Party Games
Thank you, Ronda (NY) for sending a copy of this party mixer game!
Bring a wrapped gift to the party. Gather all the guests into a circle and read this script. Each time you say the word "right" or "left" they pass the gift to their left or right. The gift moves around the circle and at the end, the person holding the gift wins!
When ____ booked a show, I knew RIGHT away,
That working with her would just make my day.
She made up her list of who to invite,
And she went over it twice to make sure it was RIGHT.
As replies came in, she checked them RIGHT off her list,
Until no one was LEFT and no one was missed.
She chose the RIGHT day for her friends to meet,
And LEFT it to me to make it complete.
She did all the RIGHT things and was excited to see,
What she would receive from her wish list for free!
As I packed up my things for the show tonight,
I was certain the evening would go just RIGHT.
With everything packed, I LEFT RIGHT away,
Thinking about ___ show, and the RIGHT things to say.
I arrived RIGHT on time and set up my things,
To share the joy the Gold Canyon Candles bring.
Selecting just the RIGHT gift won’t seem like a chore,
When your browse through our catalog – it won’t be a bore.
Your wish list is growing, you can’t seem to choose?
Book a show RIGHT today – you have nothing to lose.
Our hostess plan is generous and great,
Check your calendar and let’s set the RIGHT date!
Shopping made simple, RIGHT to your door-
Just provide your home and I’ll bring the store.
And if perhaps you’re looking for a new position,
Gold Canyon Candles could be the RIGHT decision.
Great income potential, flexible schedule and more,
An opportunity awaits you RIGHT on the ground floor!
All your dreams could finally come true,
Don’t be LEFT out, it’s just up to you!
Thanks again for joining me tonight,
The only thing LEFT is the winner on the RIGHT.
Here is another version of it, on this one the host starts with the wrapped gift and gets to choose who it goes to. After each verse, the person holding the gift passes it along as described. Again, the person holding the prize at the end of the poem wins:
You thought all the gifts were meant for you.
But I have other items too.
So hold up the gift and look around,
And give it one with eyes of brown.
You think you are the lucky one,
But let us all share in the fun!
Look around with eyes discreet,
And give it to the one with the smallest feet!
Your feet are tiny and very small,
Now hand it to someone very tall.
Please take your time and don’t be harried,
Give it to the one who is longest married.
You must be proud of your married life,
Now pass this on to the newest wife.
Of this parcel you are bereft,
Give it to the one on your immediate left.
The largest earrings I’m looking for now,
If you’re wearing them, step up with a bow.
Now to the person with buttons of any kind,
The one with the most gets the gift this time.
Now don’t get cross and please don’t fight,
But pass it to the person third on your right.
We should stop now, don’t you agree?
The gift is yours to open and see!
Bring a wrapped gift to the party. Gather all the guests into a circle and read this script. Each time you say the word "right" or "left" they pass the gift to their left or right. The gift moves around the circle and at the end, the person holding the gift wins!
When ____ booked a show, I knew RIGHT away,
That working with her would just make my day.
She made up her list of who to invite,
And she went over it twice to make sure it was RIGHT.
As replies came in, she checked them RIGHT off her list,
Until no one was LEFT and no one was missed.
She chose the RIGHT day for her friends to meet,
And LEFT it to me to make it complete.
She did all the RIGHT things and was excited to see,
What she would receive from her wish list for free!
As I packed up my things for the show tonight,
I was certain the evening would go just RIGHT.
With everything packed, I LEFT RIGHT away,
Thinking about ___ show, and the RIGHT things to say.
I arrived RIGHT on time and set up my things,
To share the joy the Gold Canyon Candles bring.
Selecting just the RIGHT gift won’t seem like a chore,
When your browse through our catalog – it won’t be a bore.
Your wish list is growing, you can’t seem to choose?
Book a show RIGHT today – you have nothing to lose.
Our hostess plan is generous and great,
Check your calendar and let’s set the RIGHT date!
Shopping made simple, RIGHT to your door-
Just provide your home and I’ll bring the store.
And if perhaps you’re looking for a new position,
Gold Canyon Candles could be the RIGHT decision.
Great income potential, flexible schedule and more,
An opportunity awaits you RIGHT on the ground floor!
All your dreams could finally come true,
Don’t be LEFT out, it’s just up to you!
Thanks again for joining me tonight,
The only thing LEFT is the winner on the RIGHT.
Here is another version of it, on this one the host starts with the wrapped gift and gets to choose who it goes to. After each verse, the person holding the gift passes it along as described. Again, the person holding the prize at the end of the poem wins:
You thought all the gifts were meant for you.
But I have other items too.
So hold up the gift and look around,
And give it one with eyes of brown.
You think you are the lucky one,
But let us all share in the fun!
Look around with eyes discreet,
And give it to the one with the smallest feet!
Your feet are tiny and very small,
Now hand it to someone very tall.
Please take your time and don’t be harried,
Give it to the one who is longest married.
You must be proud of your married life,
Now pass this on to the newest wife.
Of this parcel you are bereft,
Give it to the one on your immediate left.
The largest earrings I’m looking for now,
If you’re wearing them, step up with a bow.
Now to the person with buttons of any kind,
The one with the most gets the gift this time.
Now don’t get cross and please don’t fight,
But pass it to the person third on your right.
We should stop now, don’t you agree?
The gift is yours to open and see!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
January Recognition
It's recognition time, girls! January was a slow month after the big Christmas rush, but I'm really proud of all those who worked to keep their momentum. I'm not aware of any new recruits for the month of January, but February is off to a great start as we welcome Deandra Baltierrez (AZ) to our team! Deandra was introduced to the opportunity by Sheridan Givens (AZ) and we are so happy to have her on board. Thank you, Sheridan!
Our top seller for January was Ronda Strauss (NY) with $1,116.75. She really jumped in January and showed us all up!!!! Look out Ronda, we're all going to try to give you some competition in February ;o) Ronda gave permission to share her success story... she emails, "I love these products and have gotten a foot in the door just recently with a group that loves these - a company that has over a thousand employees and I have 5 bookings in the next two months just from this one location... they are a crazy group of ladies... at the last party I did with them, if any of the guests mentioned "work" they had to do a shot of something that looked nasty...but spend they did. It was over $1100 but I separated it into two parties and put some in January and some in February...wanted to be sure I had my $450 in. I also did the two games that I think Melanie Davis sent out a long time ago - quick little rhyming type games but really fun and I gave away some really nice out-of-season prizes. Also put candy hearts in one of my empty 16oz Heritage jars and had them guess how many hearts...gave me lots of name and address entries to add as new customers toward the current promotion. I had a leftover covered heart candle that we had a few years back and that was the prize.
I connected with a lady at the "shots" party that is a director for Mary Kay. We are doing a joint venture at one of the nicer local restaurants at the end of March. They do not open until 5:00 for dinners so we are going in noon - 3 with our stuff... she is a friend of the folks that recently bought this restaurant and they are providing appetizers and desserts while we display our goodies; it's the new owners way of getting people in to see the new upgraded menu, decor, etc. Should be fun and hopefully productive! We are calling it "Women Minding Their Business:... I believe there is also going to be rep from one of the "scrapbooking" parties...
Thanks for your ideas, and inspiration, Ronda! We could actually incorporate the shots into some kind of a non-alcoholic game..... like the clothespin/baby shower game... any ideas, girls? Ronda emailed me the game she was referring to, watch for that in the next post.
BACK TO RECOGNITION: Two other demonstrators stood out from the rest in January for strong sales. Melanie Davis (AZ) with $456, a bulk of that coming from Personal Website Orders, and Sandra Hessert (AZ) with a $536 party - AWESOME! Let me not leave out Traci Rhodes (AZ) with monthly sales of $407 In addition we had some newer demonstrators that put in some good orders, Suzanne Mortensen (IA) with a $319 party and Tasha Jacques (NM) with $276.
I want to send out a little pat on the back for all of our "business builders" each and every one who put in an order for the month. Thank you for working your business, Sheridan Givens, Samantha Goodman (AZ), Lynn Hayes (NC), Sandra Hessert, Angela Ingram (AZ), Shaunda Jacobs (AZ), Tasha Jacquez (NM), Kathy Kuwik (NY), Bonnie Lucas (AZ), Kathy Mendonca (CA), Tandy Miller (AZ), Zoe Mitchell (AZ), Suzanne Mortensen, Traci Rhodes, Ronda Strauss, and Traci Wohlgemuth (FL). I am so proud to have all of you on my team, you're TERRIFIC!
We lost a few demonstrators in January, due to not meeting annual requirements. Remember that you must sell $1800 from Anniversary date to Anniversary date, so make your goals and pace yourself so you don't land in a tough spot. We are now at an even 60 on our team and looking forward to building that back up. Of our 60 demonstrators, only 21 placed orders last month - so you guys really are the cream of the crop! Keep it up because I know the other 39 have a plan of action and they're going to be all over next month's recognition, RIGHT GALS??????
Let's recognize our amazing team leaders, but first, what does it take to be a leader?
Our top seller for January was Ronda Strauss (NY) with $1,116.75. She really jumped in January and showed us all up!!!! Look out Ronda, we're all going to try to give you some competition in February ;o) Ronda gave permission to share her success story... she emails, "I love these products and have gotten a foot in the door just recently with a group that loves these - a company that has over a thousand employees and I have 5 bookings in the next two months just from this one location... they are a crazy group of ladies... at the last party I did with them, if any of the guests mentioned "work" they had to do a shot of something that looked nasty...but spend they did. It was over $1100 but I separated it into two parties and put some in January and some in February...wanted to be sure I had my $450 in. I also did the two games that I think Melanie Davis sent out a long time ago - quick little rhyming type games but really fun and I gave away some really nice out-of-season prizes. Also put candy hearts in one of my empty 16oz Heritage jars and had them guess how many hearts...gave me lots of name and address entries to add as new customers toward the current promotion. I had a leftover covered heart candle that we had a few years back and that was the prize.
I connected with a lady at the "shots" party that is a director for Mary Kay. We are doing a joint venture at one of the nicer local restaurants at the end of March. They do not open until 5:00 for dinners so we are going in noon - 3 with our stuff... she is a friend of the folks that recently bought this restaurant and they are providing appetizers and desserts while we display our goodies; it's the new owners way of getting people in to see the new upgraded menu, decor, etc. Should be fun and hopefully productive! We are calling it "Women Minding Their Business:... I believe there is also going to be rep from one of the "scrapbooking" parties...
Thanks for your ideas, and inspiration, Ronda! We could actually incorporate the shots into some kind of a non-alcoholic game..... like the clothespin/baby shower game... any ideas, girls? Ronda emailed me the game she was referring to, watch for that in the next post.
BACK TO RECOGNITION: Two other demonstrators stood out from the rest in January for strong sales. Melanie Davis (AZ) with $456, a bulk of that coming from Personal Website Orders, and Sandra Hessert (AZ) with a $536 party - AWESOME! Let me not leave out Traci Rhodes (AZ) with monthly sales of $407 In addition we had some newer demonstrators that put in some good orders, Suzanne Mortensen (IA) with a $319 party and Tasha Jacques (NM) with $276.
I want to send out a little pat on the back for all of our "business builders" each and every one who put in an order for the month. Thank you for working your business, Sheridan Givens, Samantha Goodman (AZ), Lynn Hayes (NC), Sandra Hessert, Angela Ingram (AZ), Shaunda Jacobs (AZ), Tasha Jacquez (NM), Kathy Kuwik (NY), Bonnie Lucas (AZ), Kathy Mendonca (CA), Tandy Miller (AZ), Zoe Mitchell (AZ), Suzanne Mortensen, Traci Rhodes, Ronda Strauss, and Traci Wohlgemuth (FL). I am so proud to have all of you on my team, you're TERRIFIC!
We lost a few demonstrators in January, due to not meeting annual requirements. Remember that you must sell $1800 from Anniversary date to Anniversary date, so make your goals and pace yourself so you don't land in a tough spot. We are now at an even 60 on our team and looking forward to building that back up. Of our 60 demonstrators, only 21 placed orders last month - so you guys really are the cream of the crop! Keep it up because I know the other 39 have a plan of action and they're going to be all over next month's recognition, RIGHT GALS??????
Let's recognize our amazing team leaders, but first, what does it take to be a leader?
Gold Demonstrators - Must have 3 recruits
Senior Demonstrators - Must have 1 recruit
We have three wonderful GOLD DEMONSTRATORS, Melanie Davis, who has been with me since 2002 and Mary Fulk (AZ) who has been with me since 2004, Ronda Strauss sponsored by Melanie Davis in 2006 ...we also have six super SENIOR DEMONSTRATORS, Kathy Ashton (WA), T. Knight (NY), Lisa Thorpe (OK), Angie Palmer (AZ), Mary Reynolds (AZ), and Traci Rhodes. When is your name going to be on here, or when will you will climb out of the "Demonstrator" title and become our next MANAGER? Managers must have 5 recruits, 2 of whom are Senior Demonstrators.
You might be wondering what makes my title "Senior Manager", I have at least 10 in my front line (I have 25) and I have at least 1 Senior Demo and 2 Gold Demos in my front line (I have 1 Gold & 4 Sr.) Now, if my leaders don't continue to work their business and lose their leadership titles, MY status will also drop! I need more leaders to help me build our team and keep my title!!! My goal is to move up to a GOLD MANAGER. To obtain this, I need at least 3 team members to promote to GOLD Demonstrators and 1 of you to promote to MANAGER! Who is Going Gold with me???????
Maybe you can show me this February! HAVE A GREAT MONTH!!!
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