Thursday, July 24, 2008
Tealights - FREE Samples Idea
At a recent training with local leaders, I learned of small ziploc bags you can buy at craft stores such as Michaels or JoAnns. They are in the bead section. The ones I bought came in a box of 175 for about $4. Each is the perfect size to slip a business card and a tealight (with a reorder sticker on the bottom, of course!) Pass them out as "free samples" to potential customers and watch your sales soar! I gave it a try on the 4th of July and made up 25 of them to pass out at the parade. The next morning I woke up to notifications of personal website orders from locals - I'm sure from their free samples! The initial trial paid for my investment. I also did this at an eye appointment, as I left I asked how many ladies worked in the office and left one for each. They were all excited and I got a call with 2 new customer orders that afternoon!
Workroom Display Idea
Demonstrator Traci (AZ) is also a school teacher. Rather than just leaving catalogs in the teacher's lounge, she created a display on a tri-fold "science project" poster telling her favorite things about Gold Canyon. This sparked lots of interest from her coworkers and brought lots of orders and party leads.
Multi-Party Idea
Gold Demonstrator Ronda (NY) wanted to share what seems to be the next craze in her area... folks are opening their homes to several party plans in an open-house format. It's fun and so far, this is the third one she has participated in, have been very lucrative. They serve wine, sheese and fruit. All of the vendors get together and set different closing dates so people's budgets aren't blown out of the water... She did one of these a couple of weeks ago and did over $300 in cash and carry and looks like she will have at least $350 in orders plus 2 party bookings and maybe another interested demonstrator.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
"Associate" Status Demonstrators
This post is for all demonstrators who have a downline: earlier this month, Gold Canyon sent an email to members of your team in Associate status with a special offer to help them return to Active status for the upcoming fall selling season.
Now is a good time to CALL these demonstrators to ensure they received the email and are aware of the special offer available to them in July. Help your Associate status team members get back to Active status so they can earn their 25% commission and take advantage of the lucrative 4th quarter! Their sales will count as double towards their activity status - see Essentials for more details.
To view names of any demonstrators who are currently in Associate status, check your Gold Canyon Leadership Sales Report at Essentials OnLine under Incentive/My Leadership Reports/Sales Reports.
Now is a good time to CALL these demonstrators to ensure they received the email and are aware of the special offer available to them in July. Help your Associate status team members get back to Active status so they can earn their 25% commission and take advantage of the lucrative 4th quarter! Their sales will count as double towards their activity status - see Essentials for more details.
To view names of any demonstrators who are currently in Associate status, check your Gold Canyon Leadership Sales Report at Essentials OnLine under Incentive/My Leadership Reports/Sales Reports.
This post is just for fun! Earlier this month, one of our teammates was on a family trip, traveling on a freeway towards Redlands. They were following a beautiful shiny burgundy Cadillac Escalade that had the GOLD CANYON logo across the back window and the license plate said CANDLZ. Our demo was wondering if that could be the Waisath's (owners of GC). Finally after following them for about 20 miles, she was able to pass them, and sure enough, Curt was driving! Karen was in the passenger seat. They couldn't see if the kids were in there because the windows were tinted dark. She was able to snap a quick picture as they took the Palm Springs exit.
IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO MEET CURT & KAREN IN PERSON, come to Convention in August! They are always on stage, and mingle with the demos at the different events. They're so sweet to autograph catalogs and pose for pictures. They even bring their family and introduce them on stage. It's so much fun! Then you can tell your customers and downline that you've seen them.
For more information on Gold Canyon's National Convention in Phoenix, Arizona, go to
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